Wednesday, August 4, 2010

High Altitude Camp - MORE COWBELL!

Things turned out great! Camp Report (July 28th-30th Pine Lake Campground)
Weds: After loading the suburbans and trailer, the team headed out just after noon with 16 boys and 13 girls. The 2 1/2 drive went well and after arriving and setting up camp, the team headed out for a 3 miler around the lake. The evening festivities were dinner cooked up by Mr. Holt - sloppy joes - and a little inspirational chat by Trevor to introduce the camp theme of "More Cowbell" and reverse tie-dying our camp shirts (except for Tyson who has to keep everything perfectly clean and in order).
Thursday: After a constant drizzle of rain throughout the night, the team headed out toward the cliffs for the morning workout. After a breakfast of pancakes, the team went to classes on Goal Setting presented by Coach Roberts, Injury Prevention presented by Clyde, and Running in College presented by Coach Holt. After hoagies for lunch, we had a little team building with a ropes exercise - the spiderweb - and a log exercise. Rachel's team of Irish Wristwatches dominated the competition! After after having all the fun we could handle here, the team went out for the afternoon run up the mountain. Much of the spare time of the afternoon was spent with card games, volleyball matches (dominated by The Anvil - Trevor, The Rocket - Corey, The Hammer - Coach Holt, and Ryan - sorry no nickname!), a few even went to the lake and tried to reel in a fish or two. The evening finished up with some tasty dutch oven and a get-to-know you activity where everyone bid on super abilities.
Friday: Again the morning kicked off with a workout. This time down toward the highway and back. Classes that were held after breakfast burritos included Mental Toughness presented by Coach Holt, Form presented by Coach Roberts, and a class for the Varsity on Becoming a Champion presented by Clyde. After some more sandwiches for lunch the team headed out for pictures at the cliffs. A workout was planned after the pictures, but a group of the kids led by Coach Holt ran down an awesome trail to pull a horse out of quickmud. The story is amazing and everyone was pumped up from showing up just in time to save Treasure. "I saved a horse today; what did you do?!" So after getting back from this adventure, the rest of the team headed out for a jog and some headed to the lake for a dip. The evening was topped off with a spaghetti dinner and an XC Testimony Meeting where some great thoughts were shared about X-Country and the wonderful experience we had.
Saturday: The final day of camp saw the team head out for one last workout. After a great breakfast of french toast, everything was packed up quickly and we headed home only to have to wash all the mud off the suburbans and trailer upon arrival.
But it was a great time for all and one that will bring the team together for a long time. Thanks to everyone that helped pull this thing off!

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