Sunday, July 7, 2019

Week of July 8-13 (Week 6)

Thanks to all those the led and attended practice during our moratorium week. It was great to see so many of you logging your runs on Final Surge or even out on your runs throughout the week. 

Purpose of the week's workouts - Don't get burned out on our Foundation phase of training. We've said this many times, whatever goals you want to reach later in the year are determined by the work you do now - so keep working hard and coming to practice. Weights and a short afternoon run will be at 3:00p on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These early season doubles help us start to work through some of the heat we have to deal with once school starts as well as gaining a little more fitness. (Afternoon weights are for everyone, runs are for Levels 2,3,4 and optional for Level 1s; if you can't make afternoon practice, still get your run in for Levels 2,3,4.)
We will also be holding our 12 hour run-a-thon this week on Friday at PVHS. Please plan on attending. You have the opportunity to use the run-a-thon as a fundraiser to help you pay for anything you would like. Sponsor papers will be passed out at practice on Monday. We are pretty excited to try this new format for our run-a-thon. During the day we will have activities, games, food and all sorts of good stuff to be building our team and having a fun time. Please have a commitment ready to attend by Monday at practice, so the run-a-thon committee can plan all the activities for the day.


Here's our schedule for the week - (most practices will run from 7:00a to around 9:00a, unless noted)
Monday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone.   
Tuesday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone.  Youth Summer Club at 8:30-9:45 - please do your best to attend on Tuesdays; we need your help with running club.  Those bringing treats please get them ready.
   afternoon weights and run: 3:00p at PVHS
Wednesday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone. 
Thursday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone.
   afternoon weights and run: 3:00p at PVHS
Friday: 10:00a-10:00p at PVHS - please plan on attending!
Saturday: Run on your own or make a group run.

Weekly Challenge - Commit to the little things

We'll leave these reminders up here for a bit:
Schedule -
High Altitude Camp 7/29-8/1 on Cedar Mountain
Car Wash (not a confirmed date yet) on August 10th
We really want everyone to be at these events, so do your very best to be there.

For those just joining us, or if you need info about any of the following, review the past few weeks' posts: Final Surge, Levels, School Registration Requirements, YOUNGSTERS and Summer Running Club.

High Altitude Camp - Please see post dedicated to Camp a few weeks ago.  Very important info.

Week 5 Athletes of the Week - (we will come back and update these after they are announced on Monday)
Tough at Practice - .
Team Builder -
Performance - 

Thought of the Week: "A few years ago, I tracked the improvement rates of my college runners and compared it to a whole slew of factors to see if anything correlated. The most important factor? Did they show up to practice. Those who missed the fewest days tended to improve the most."
-Steve Magness
Want to be good at something? Want to be good at running? The most important step is being there. Show up to practice. During the long summer months, sometimes this isn't the easiest thing to do. We have a lot of demands on our time and sometimes we lose focus. But when you are at practice (by simply being there) you are proving to yourself - and others - that you are committed to something and want to get better. Then, once you are at practice, you can work on all the other steps that will continue to help you improve, like attitude and working with your teammates. We only have a month until school starts; let's have a huge push toward practice attendance this last month. Let's get our friends and teammates out that might be struggling. Let's really give ourselves and our team the chance to improve by being to practice every day we are in town (and do our best to get our runs in when we are gone).

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