Sunday, July 14, 2019

Week of July 15-20 (Week 7)

We had a great time at the run-a-thon and really missed those who weren't able to make it. We were asked by a few people why we do the run-a-thon and the answer is something we talked about a little at practice last week - for one, it is an opportunity for you to raise some money to help pay some of the costs of the team; but much more importantly, it is an opportunity for us to keep coming together as a team. We've talked about the special group that we are a part of here at PVXC, our history, our titles (and sometimes our losses), our friendships, all of these things come from the relationships we form from spending time together and doing difficult things together with a singular purpose. Playing games, eating, hitting the splash pad and river, getting dominated by coach in ultimate, all these things are what make us who we are... Those who missed out missed a lot and we hope you can make it to the next activity we have.

Purpose of the week's workouts - It's been a great summer. The tempo work everyone did on Thursday was excellent and everyone's base minutes have improved significantly. We continue to build our Foundation Phase this week, and we will add one of our favorite summer workouts (Tempo, Thresh, CV Pace work) this week. Also, we really want everyone to run a 24th of July race coming up. There are two good options if you are in town: Enterprise (I don't have any registration info on yet) and Hurricane (usually registration fee is a few cans of food, race often starts around 6:00a - this is the preferred race for the team). If you are out of town, please plan accordingly and find a race or stage your own time trial. Finally, we are moving Monday morning practice to 6:30a to help beat the heat a little with our longer run.


Here's our schedule for the week - (most practices will run from 7:00a to around 9:00a, unless noted)
Monday: 6:30a at Washington Elementary for everyone.   
Tuesday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone.  Youth Summer Club at 8:30-9:45 - please do your best to attend on Tuesdays; we need your help with running club.  Those bringing treats please get them ready.
   afternoon weights and run: 3:00p at PVHS
Wednesday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone. 
Thursday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone.
   afternoon weights and run: 3:00p at PVHS
Friday: 7:00a at Vernon Worthen Park for everyone.
Saturday: Run on your own or make a group run.

Weekly Challenge - find your reason why

We'll leave these reminders up here for a bit:
Schedule -
High Altitude Camp 7/29-8/1 on Cedar Mountain
Car Wash on August 10th
We really want everyone to be at these events, so do your very best to be there.

For those just joining us, or if you need info about any of the following, review the past few weeks' posts: Final Surge, Levels, School Registration Requirements, YOUNGSTERS and Summer Running Club.

High Altitude Camp - Please see post dedicated to Camp a few weeks ago.  Very important info.

Week 6 Athletes of the Week - (we will come back and update these after they are announced on Monday)

Thought of the Week: "Whiners say: I'm tired, I'm sore, and it's too hard, so I can't. Winners say: I'm tired, I'm sore, and it's hard, but I will."
Last week we looked at a quote about being at practice and the huge role that just simply being there plays on your improvement. The next step is to take a look at your attitude and mindset when you are at practice. I don't know that there really is every a run or workout that you don't think about how hard it is. The distinguishing factor between growth and being stagnant is the attitude you have about these difficult things. Looking at the quote, you notice both groups of people recognize the pain and difficulty; however, it is the action after that is making one group a winner and the other group not. When Sand Hill gets tough, when our Thursday workout is hard, when going to an afternoon weight session and run in the heat is difficult, will you be a whiner or a winner?

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