Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sept. 16-21 (Week 16)

We had a great trip up to Border Wars: team ran really well, individuals ran great, weather was nice, and you all did a great job out in the community. Thanks so much. This week we have JV (and Youngsters) heading to Hurricane on Tuesday (see info below) and the Varsity going up to TwiKnight on Friday (see info below).

St. George Marathon Aid Station - If you haven't signed up to help, please do! We need all athletes, and we are inviting families, and we are inviting alumni to come join us. Follow the link to register for AID STATION 22

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). We'll have a mix of workouts between those racing Tuesday and those racing Friday, so make sure you pay attention to when/what you'll be doing. Click here and track your minutes from Week 15: Weekly Minutes

All practices at PVHS unless noted
This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass) 
Monday - AM - 6:00a (for those racing Friday) and 6:15a (for those racing Tuesday) at PVHS (White, Black, Silver; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone), Meet in Lecture Hall after changing into practice clothes for our team meeting
Tuesday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - TEAM PICS at PVHS at 3:00p because some doofus erased them (so sorry... I'm an idiot), then RACE (for JV), Hurricane Invite, see info below
Wednesday - AM - 6:00a (for those racing Friday) and 6:15a (for those who raced Tuesday and usually do Weds morning stuff) at PVHS (White, Black, Silver; Maroon optional) run and yoga for some / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone), Yoga for some
Thursday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (JV)(Varsity yoga at 6:45a and shake-out at the State course when we get there) / PM RACE (for Varsity), TwiKnight, see info below
Saturday - on own or form own groups

Upcoming Events:
  • RACE: Hurricane - Tuesday, 9/17, Youngsters 5:00p, HS girls 5:30p, HS boys 6:00p; Washington County Fair Grounds; NO BUS arrange travel ahead of time, be there about 4:30
  • RACE: TwiKnight - Friday, 9/20, Varsity girls 6:00p, Varsity boys 6:30p; Art Dye Park (American Fork); overnight/travel info (still being finalized / will also be sent home with invited athletes); $35 hotel fee (please pay before) ATHLETES: Emmalee, Vanessa, Katie, Elin, Tevye, Andi, Bridger, Trevor, Bender, Jake, Liam, Elliot, Brennan, Benji 
  • Homecoming Events - week of 9/23-9/27: parade ?, Halftime torch lighting Fri; remember we will be racing Saturday 9/28 at Cedar in the am, so plan your dance dates and stuff around that
  • RACE: Cedar Invite - Saturday, 9/28, (race schedule TBA) Youngsters time?; Cedar HS 
    • *travel meets require a grade check on Monday before meet (Border Wars, TwiKnight, Divisionals, State)
Race Report:
Border Wars - PV had a great showing at Border Wars. Medalists included Kyle (Jr), Emmalee and Bridger (Championship), and Brennan and Elliot (So). AJ was our lone Sr representative and ran a great race setting the tone for fast times. The Jr girls then continued the push with Avery taking 23rd, followed by Sariah, Sydney, and Ada. The Jr boys took 5th led by Kyle's 9th place finish, Ben in 14th, then Ian, Jaxon, and Joseph rounding out the scoring. The girls Varsity took a very solid 8th in the Championship race with Emmalee scoring 8th (15th overall), Elin 33rd, Tevye 34th, Vanessa 48th, Andi 72nd, and Katie 77th. The boys took 6th in the Championship race led by Bridger in 6th (overall and scoring), Trevor in 21st with a very good race, Benji 54th, Jake 67th, Bender 75th, and Liam 78th. Our Sophomore boys were our top placing team finishing 3rd overall with Brennan and Elliot leading the way with 2nd and 3rd place finishes, then Nate in 19th, Miles 36th, and Will 69th. And although our other teams didn't have enough to score, they all ran well. Dustin was our top finisher in the other races placing 11th in the Freshman race and we also great races from Colby, Zack, and others. Results 

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and will be meeting 2 times a week on Monday and Wednesday at 3:00p at PVHS. Our Youngsters schedule is finally coming together. Check it out to help plan. This week, Youngsters can race at Hurricane - 5:00p, Washington County Fair Grounds in Hurricane (near Quail Creek)

Some of us had the opportunity to go watch Trey and Brooklyn run up at the BYU Autumn Classic this last weekend. It was a lot of fun to see them run well. Trey continues to move up the UVU ranks and is placing himself as a solid Varsity runner in his freshman year. And Brooklyn is showing great improvement in her second year for the Aggies.

PVXC Thought of the Week: "Confidence comes from being good, not great. Anyone can have the starts align and have a great day. But the confidence from that is fleeting. Confidence comes from consistency. Show up and make your normal pretty darn good. Focus on raising the floor, not just the ceiling."
-Steve Magness
Guess what we are going to talk about tomorrow?!  Questions for you to think about: What does it mean to raise the floor? What does confidence mean to you? Who are good examples of confidence? What can you learn from them?

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