Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 22-27 (Week 8)

Thanks everyone for the tremendous camp! Parents who drove, those who stayed and chaperoned, coaches, and especially athletes. The last couple years of camp have been amazing and really show the direction our team is headed. Great job captains and others who led classes and organized events. The best thing about camp is how our team can take time to just be with each other and bond (and of course have Pig Nos dominate to a volleyball title!). Now, like so many of you said, let's keep the ball rolling. Continue to grow your commitment to each other and to your own running. Continue to look for individuals you can reach out to and invite to come be part of our team.

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). We have a couple more weeks of our Foundation Phase. This is where we are really building a lot of minutes and a super aerobic base complimented with workouts that prepare us for racing. This week we get the chance to get our first racing in at our 24th 2 Miler. We invite friends and family to join us (see info below), and athletes you are expected to be there (unless you're out of town). We know that sometimes we are a little nervous to race and that makes us hesitant to show up, but these first couple races are very low-key and built around what racing should always be... fun. Come learn to race while there is no pressure and we are still building toward the full XC distance.
Thanks to those who have been keeping up your minutes each week. Entering your minutes each week is another sign of you commitment to the team and your own individual goals. Click here and track your minutes from Week 7: Weekly Minutes

This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass)
Monday: Regular practice at 7:00a at Washington Elementary (Everyone)
Tuesday: Regular practice at 7:00a at Washington Elementary (Everyone) - final Youth Summer Running Club 8:30-9:45 (everyone plan on staying and helping out) *those who signed up for treats, please remember them*. Weights after practice at PVHS / PM: easy run on own (or form own group) (White, Black, Silver expected; Maroon optional)
Wednesday: 24th 2 Miler: Regular practice at 7:00a at The Fields Park (Everyone), race starts at 7:45a info below
Thursday: Regular practice at 7:00a at Elementary (Everyone). Weights after practice at PVHS / PM: easy run on own (or form own group) (White, Black, Silver expected; Maroon optional)
Friday: Regular practice at 7:00a at TBA (Everyone)
Saturday: Group Long Run at 6:30a at Warner Valley Underpass (Everyone)

Book Club Reading: We are going to do our Book Club discussion of both Weeks 6 and 7 on Monday (Go back a couple weeks to read Week 6 if you haven't yet). Then read Week 7. Please read the assigned sections so we can have good comments: Week 7-8 reading

Upcoming Events:
  • Waffle Wednesdays - Wednesday morning after practice, location TBA - MAYBE MOVED TO ANOTHER DAY THIS WEEK!
  • 24th of July 2 Miler - Wednesday, July 24th, Fields Park (park on Orchard Lane near 20 E), practice starts at 7:00a, RACE starts at 7:45a (fun run for team and family/friends, entrance is 3 cans of food)
  • PV Time Trial - Wednesday, July 31st, Bloomington Hills North Park, practice starts at 7:00a, RACE starts at 7:45a (everyone)
  • Spike Night at St. George Running Center, Friday, August 2nd, 7:00p (everyone)
  • Desert Relays - Monday, August 5th, 6:00p, Bloomington Hills North Park, relay meet vs. Desert Hills (everyone)
  • Renegade Camp (for invited runners) - August 6th-7th, Beaver  
  • HOKA Mile Relays - Saturday, August 10th, 8:00a(?), Pine View High School, relay meet (everyone, including families/friends)
PVXC Thought of the Week: "Good thoughts have much to do with good rowing. It isn't enough for the muscles of a crew to work in unison; their hearts and minds must also be one." 
-George Pocock, Boys in the Boat
Questions for you to think about: why is this so important (what the quote says)? How do we at PVXC try to do this? How are you doing at this? How can we get everyone to do this?

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