Friday, May 26, 2023

1 week until the season

(Those who are looking for info about our 
Youth Summer Running Club, 
just scroll down another post or two and you'll find the info you need)

So what should you be doing with 1 week to go until the official start day?
Get started a little bit:

  • read through the Parent/Athlete Meeting slides (if you weren't at the meeting... or even if you were and you want a little more detailed explanation of PVXC)
  • get your physical if you haven't yet
  • get familiar with the Pre-Run Warm-Up stuff and Post-Run stuff we do - follow the link and create a login. Also check out all the docs on the right labeled under "XC Training System Info" and request access to those with your school google account.
  • start running a little - if you run a few times this week 5, 10, 20-25mins it will make a big difference in how you feel next week
  • GO GET SOME FRIENDS TO JOIN YOU! Running is a social activity and having friends out there with you is one of the very best things about XC. Call up some friends and invite them to come out with you
We will be having our Opening Social - on June 7th, Wednesday, at noon at Quail Lake!

First day of practice - June 5th, Monday, 7:00a at Washington Elementary

Thought of the week - "The beginning is the most important part of the work" - Plato
Starting something can be a scary thought. Whether is coming out for a new sport that seems kind of hard or being an experienced runner who feels that maybe there is some pressure on you now to run fast and lead. Because of this fear, many people don't even take the first step - it is just easier to not do it than to work hard, get out of your comfort zone, be brave. Those who dare take this initial action, however, are those that grow and do great things in their lives. So as we get ready to start of a new adventure this XC season, remember that getting started is the most important step in accomplishing anything... without getting started, you'll never go anywhere. So, PVXC, let's go somewhere! 

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