Sunday, October 2, 2022

Oct. 3-8 (Week 18)

Another solid week down. Thanks for all the help at the Youngsters race. It went very well and the kids had a good time. Also, good job on the Cedar race. And, a huge thanks to everyone that helped out at the marathon. (I'm actually writing this before the marathon, so hopefully it's all true!) Things went great, and I know the runners appreciated your help and enthusiasm. 

*NEXT YEAR HIGH ALTITUDE CAMP* JULY 17-20 AT JACOB LAKE - make your plans now. 

Summer Moratorium will be June 28-July 4

Some other important announcements:

  • Nike SW Regional (NXR) - We are getting the bus and hotels finalized. So we will update you with a final cost very soon. We will have our $100 down payment due on October 12th. Please pay with cash to Coach Holt or by Venmo to @Dave-Holt77 by then. 
  • Those interested in going to Foot Locker/Eastbay/Champs (whatever else it wants to be called) in California in December, we should start planning that a bit too. We are thinking maybe some parents would like to drive and we can take 15-20 kids who might want to go. Give us some feedback if you want to go (athletes) or may want to help drive/chaperone (parents).

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: This week's workouts. We move into our Competition phase of training for the next few weeks. Here we focus more on Race Pace and Goal RP work and getting us ready to race our fastest at Region and State. Some may notice that we don't have a huge drop of minutes yet (although a bit more of a drop for JV than Varsity). From my coaching experience, a very common mistake among all runners is to back off too much too soon. We want our fastest race to be at our most important race (Region for JV and State for Varsity), so it is important to keep our minutes solid and our workouts zesty until just before those races. 

This Week's Schedule:
Monday: AM - 6:00a workout at PVHS (Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone), we will meet in the Lecture Hall. 
Tuesday: AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Wednesday: AM - 6:15a regeneration run PVHS (Black required; Silver optional; no Maroon; no Freshmen), Yoga at 6:45a everyone invited / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Thursday: AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday: AM - 6:15a PVHS (everyone) Afternoon - after school for those assigned
Saturday: Race at Cedar, see info below

Fill out this form for our seventeenth week of practice (this past week). 

Upcoming Events:
  • Race - Cedar Invite - Saturday, October 8th, Varsity Girls 8:30a, Varsity Boys 9:00a, JV Girls 9:30a, JV Boys 10:10a, Fresh/Soph. Girls 10:50a, Fresh/Soph. Boys 11:30p; Youngsters Race 8:00a; Cedar HS, Bus leaving PVHS at 6:30a  
  • Fall Break - please try and stick around if you can (especially those competing for Varsity spots at Region and State). Region is on the Tuesday we come back. 
  • Race - Region 10 Championships - Tuesday, October 18th, no race times announced yet; Bloomington Hills North Park, No Bus
  • Race - 4A State Championships - Tuesday, October 25th, Varsity girls 3:00p, Varsity boys 4:00p; Regional Athletic Complex in SLC, Bus will be leaving Monday around lunch (we will extend an invitation to about 30 members of our team to come cheer on the 14 Varsity runners who will be racing). Parents/Spectator entry/parking information - spectators must prepay for entry, see link for info.
  • Ironman Volunteer - Friday and Saturday, October 28th and 29th, please plan on coming to help with the Ironman (we will sign up soon). Both mornings we will be helping from around 8:00a? to noon parking the bikes like last year. This is a big fundraiser for our program and we really need everyone to come help (families and friends invited!).
Race Report: 
Cedar/CV/PV Tri - It was so nice to get a race in with cooler temps and a good quick course! We went with the purpose of working on some specific things and for the most part did very well at those things. Scoring was definitely in our favor as Cedar and CV pulled their top Varsity runners, so the girls and the boys were just off perfect scores with a 16 and 17 points respectfully. PV Full results for all our races can always be found at

Alumni Update: 
Jessica raced this weekend for Weber... I'll update if I get info. And a big congrats to all our PVXC alumni and family who ran the St. George Marathon.  

PVXC Thought of the Week: 
"Just because your worried, doesn't mean it won't go well. Just because you're unsure if you can, doesn't mean you can't. Just because things have been tough, doesn't mean they won't get better. Just because (negative) thoughts feel real, doesn't mean they are true
-adapted from an internet post by @iamhaylekaye (whoever that is)
Just thought this could be pretty helpful to a lot of us. Many of us have at least one of these feelings/thoughts and they often get in our way of being our best selves. It is important to recognize that pretty much everyone is worried, unsure, has had tough times, and thinks negative thoughts. And it is even more important to realize that these are normal and we can work through them. We can begin to work through difficult thoughts when we accept that we all have them and start to recognize that those thoughts aren't us - they don't own us. We can move beyond them and grow!

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