Friday, September 10, 2021

Sept. 13-18 (Week 15)

We made it through a tough and demanding week of events and weather. Hopefully in all of this, we are having some fun. If not, reconnect with why you love XC and hopefully that excitement and fun is there for you. 

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: This week's workouts. We continue our Pre-Comp phase. This phase focuses on race pace work - teaching us how to hold and maintain race paces for the entirety of a workout.

This Week's Schedule: 
Monday: AM workout at 6:00a PVHS (everyone)  / afternoon practice: 5:00p at PVMS (everyone) We will meeting up to help with the Youngsters meet that is at 6:30p at PVMS. 
Tuesday: AM weights and short run at 6:15a PVHS (Maroon: optional; Silver & Black: required) / afternoon practice 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Wednesday: AM practice at 6:00a PVHS (no Maroon; Silver & Black: required)afternoon practice in SLC after arriving at the meet. Those not traveling 3:00p PVHS
Thursday: AM RACE: PreState / afternoon practice 3:00p PVHS those not traveling to the meet
Friday: AM practice at 7:00a meet up Turkey Farm (everyone... this will be our main practice for Friday) / afternoon practice none
Saturday: meet at Ironman (info below).

Upcoming Events:
PV Youngster Meet - Sept. 13th (Mon) at Pine View MS. One race for all Youngsters 6:30p. We will need help with course setup, timing, awards and stuff from our HS athletes. We will move our afternoon practice to 5:00p to help with this.

PreState - We will be taking around 40 athletes to this meet (overnighter). Sept. 16th (Thurs) at Regional Athletic Complex in SLC - Race schedule Fr/So Girls 8:00a,  Fr/So Boys 8:30a, Jr/Sr Girls 9:00a, Jr/Sr Boys 9:30a. We will leave on Wednesday at 12:00p. An itinerary will be sent home with those participating. Important info for spectators (prepayment of spectator fee is required).  

Ironman - We will be volunteering with the Ironman on Saturday, Sept. 18th. If you haven't signed up to help follow this link and sign up for T2 Bike Handler (Saturday). We will meet at PVHS at 8:15a to carpool over.

***Remember that attendance at practice is mandatory to be running races.***

Race Report:
Dixie All-Comers - Our JV squad ran a strong race in the heat last Tuesday. The girls were led by Kyanne who had an 11th place finish. Macy, Laney, and Elle had a strong pack finishing within 6 seconds of each other. Roxy finished out our scoring as our 5th runner. For the boys, Allen was our top runner placing 14th. Carson followed in 19th, Diego 21st, and Gianno 23rd. Bridger rounded out our scoring. 

Athletes of the Week: (from Week 13)
Performance of the Week: Carson (So.) - Carson continues to show great improvement throughout the year. At each race this season, Carson has run strong and make a push toward the top 10.
Tough at Practice: Dane (Jr.) - Dane has really dug in the past few weeks as he pushes to reach his goals. He is consistently running with the top group and extending his minutes and pace. 
Team Builder: Elle (So.) - Elle has been a great addition to our team this year. She brings a positive attitude and enthusiasm with her every day. 

Fill out this form for our 14th week of practice. This is how we will earn our minutes awards for the season as well as tracking goals and progress.

Our 6th-8th grade club are practicing regularly on Monday (no Monday this week because of the race) and Thursday at 3:00p-4:15 at PVHS (8th graders can ride a bus to the HS). Contact Martha Baker with questions 435-773-3667. There is a Youngsters meet at Pine View Middle School on Monday at 6:30p. Be there around 6:00 for registration (no cost). Race distance app. 1.5 miles.

PVXC Thought of the Week: 
"Settling for mediocre is one of the biggest temptations in life. Always ask yourself if you can, should, and need to do more. If the answers are yes, then do more! Don't settle!"
-tweet from Sports Psychology
Never settle. Often the easiest thing in the world is to justify mediocrity; to say I've been doing well enough, or working hard enough, and I just am what I am. There is always room for growth and improvement in anything in life. A second time we settle is when we do good things. It is great to celebrate our accomplishments, but we should always see them as a stepping stone to further growth. Don't just set a goal, hit it, then say I guess I'm done. Instead, use it as proof that the hard work is paying off and now I have an opportunity to continue to grow and improve. XC is a great example for this growth mindset and we can see it in races. Sometimes we settle in and just cruise with the group around us. We're probably working hard, but could we do more? A growth mindset will look at a position in a race and look for ways to move up; one person at a time, move up little by little, and never settle. 

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