Friday, April 17, 2020

We Might As Well Get Started - 2020 XC Info

The time and circumstances have made it possible for us to say, "let's get ready for XC 2020!" So here's the deal: while Social Distancing guidelines are still in effect, it is important that you be a good citizen and follow the advice of keeping in small groups and not being in crowded areas.

If you don't know much about PVXC, we are one of the most prestigious programs in Utah. We have a long history of top finishes in Region 9 and at the Utah State Championships. Our boys have the 2nd longest streak of top 5 finishes at State in Utah at 13 years straight. And our girls have taken 1st or 2nd at State for 6 straight years; the longest current streak of finishing of the podium in Utah. Our success, however, isn't measured just by winning trophies. Each year, we are one of the top academic programs at PVHS measured by dozens of Academic All-Region and All-State performers - this past season, the boys earned the team Academic All-State award with the highest GPA of 4A teams while the girls finished 2nd. Numerous PVXC athletes have gone on to earn scholarships (both academically and athletically) to universities around the state and country. And our greatest success is one that can't really be measured - the hundreds of young men and women who have left our program with great friendships, more confidence, leadership strengths, the ability to overcome challenging situations, and many other important life characteristics.

So, we're glad you're looking to be a part of all this.

Parents and athletes, as we won't be able to have a Parent-Athlete Meeting this spring, please view the following slide presentation that discusses some very important details of our program. PLEASE TAKE 5 MINUTES AND SIT DOWN, PARENT AND ATHLETE, AND READ THROUGH THE SLIDES IN THEIR ENTIRETY.

Now let's talk a bit about getting into shape and practice. Our hope is that we can begin practice on June 1st at 7:00a at Washington Elementary together as a team. That might or might not be possible. But for now, we are using this as our start date and we want everyone to be in shape by then. So we need to start running now. Here's the plan for that... Pick where you should be:

Step 1: 20 minute run
Step 2: 20 minute run (3-4 days a week), 3-4 rest days
Step 3: 20 minute run (6x's week), 1 rest day
Step 4: 30 minute run (3x's week), 20 minute run (3x's week), 1 rest day
Step 5: 30 minute run (6x's week), 1 rest day
Step 6: 30 minute run (3x's week), 20 minute run (2x's week), 40 minute run (1x week), 1 rest day
Step 7: 30 minute run (5x's week), 40 minute run (1x week), 1 rest day

(To mix up these runs if you feel like you get bored just running the minutes, you can do mini-workouts like throwing in some hill work - just find a nearby hill and run up it hard for 8-20secs and come back down easy and do it a few times - or do some short fartleks of 30secs or 1min harder and 1min easier for part of the run)

Once you can do Step 1, move to Step 2. Once you accomplish Step 2 and feel ready to move up after a week or two, move on to Step 3. And so on. One of the most important principles you will learn from this progression is that YOU WILL GET OUT OF XC WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT. If you want to do well, you will push yourself to accomplish each step and work your way up. Those of you who are able do say like Step 3, start on Step 4 and move on from there. If you're good all the way to Step 7 (a seasoned athlete who is in good shape from many months and years of running, take a week or two at Step 6 and/or 7 (this will be your time off - as explained below) and then go to the XC workouts and see what you should be doing.

Time Off - usually we take a couple weeks off between each season. New runners don't need to worry about this, just start off at Step 1 and get working your way up. Most of you who did track probably already took some time off during this corona stuff, so get back into it wherever you need to be. Some of you have kept running, but not the track workouts - just keep running. Those track athletes who have actually been doing the workouts are the ones that might need a little time off. For now keep doing the track workouts until you personally hear from Coach Holt to make your transition to XC stuff.

Reporting minutes - It is very important (even more so now that as coaches we can only have limited contact with athletes) that athletes report to us coaches how their running is going. To help with this, a form has been created to report minutes, to set and report on goals, and discussion good and bad things going on. Completing this form will be part of the requirement of attending meets and camps. So we would like to get everyone in the habit of it. So starting this coming week (April 20-25) please fill out the form each Saturday or Sunday.

1 comment:

Lexi said...

Will you be doing the Summer kids running club this year?