Monday, December 9, 2019

End of Season and Transition to Track

End of XC: What a great season! We really just can't say anymore. It was of the best seasons in PVXC history. Not only the races and championships, but the team building and the continuation of the traditions and history. Great job everyone.
As we come to the end of the season, a few things:

  • Everyone needs to come to Coach Holt (or MS'ers to Coach Decker) and get a binder with some readings and info to help us continue our progression. (Coach Decker will have them for the MS'ers sometime on Wednesday.)
  • If you haven't had your exit interview with the coaches, please talk to one of them and get it set up (Coach Holt if you are at the HS and Coach Decker if you are at the MS).
  • Remember to be ACTIVE during your two week break. You can X-train or run a little or do whatever, just be doing something. If you've already had some time off, it would be a great idea to use this time to slowly build your minute foundation back up.
  • (This will be mentioned below) Please start up your running over Christmas Break.
  • Track Kick Off Party: Thursday Dec 12th at 6-8pm (get info paper from Holt or Decker), across from Riggatti's (43 N. 300 W. Suite A in Washington) - Pizza, Prizes, Track gear (buy 1 give 1 free to a friend!)

Race Report:  A little bit about Foot Locker West. We had a great trip. And despite the rain and changed up course, things went real well. Coach Beitler and Little B had strong races in the Open Race. Keaton and Trey medaled in the Fresh boys race and Adri and Brooklyn medaled in the Fresh girls race. We've got a great foundation growing there (You'll find Keaton, Trey, Kenny, Adri, and Brook all over the top of rankings for top Utah Freshmen boys and girls). Other medalists were Pyper and Jenna in the Junior girls, JD in the Senior boys, Jenessa and Kylee in the Senior girls, and Jessica in the Championship girls. Jessica 22nd place was our highest ever at FLW. We had many other great races as well. Thanks to the parents that came and helped so much and to Duke for the safe drive through the traffic and rain. Hopefully next year, we can add a bunch more of you to our trip.

Track Info: For track info, head to There you will find info about the beginning of track season as well as workouts for distance runners. During this two week break, you should be doing some X-Training, or light running (if you would like). It is very important that you stay active. In fact, it is better to refer to these two weeks as a Transition rather than "off weeks", so that you are keeping the idea that you should be doing something rather than sitting around doing nothing for two weeks. Our mileage build-up for track starts on Dec. 23rd (the first week of the break and the week of Christmas). Please make sure you are running during the two weeks off of school. When we get back to school, we will be taking a measurement of your fitness that we will base a lot of our workouts on. If you haven't been running, you will be setting yourself in a deep hole.

Have a great few weeks - enjoy the time to yourself, be physically active, start running when it is time, and read through the articles and do the activities in the workbook that you were given. And see you January 6th, after school down on the track!

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