Sunday, June 2, 2019

Week of June 3-8 (Week 1)

Wow... It's already time for XC season!  Welcome everyone from the experienced runner to the beginner and from the family that has been involved for 20 years to those that are just getting started with this experience.  What you'll find here is an outline for the week along with some other thoughts to guide our week.  Please take a look at all this information (athletes and parents).  And always remember our theme for the summer - If you are in town, be to practice.  If you are out of town, do your very best to get your run in. - when we follow through with this idea for the busy summer months, each athlete and our program will be ready to great things in the fall!

Purpose of the week's workouts - The first 2 months of the season are based on building an Aerobic Base.  We are going to start referring to this phase as the Foundation Phase because, like all lasting structures, each of us must create a solid foundation to build the rest of the season on.  Cracks in this foundation might be formed by missed days/runs, negative attitudes, not contributing to the building of a team attitude, not getting enough sleep, poor eating habits, and not having the correct running equipment.  These cracks may be small or large, but overtime they will manifest themselves in the form of injury, poor teammate relations, or many other ways.  Any of these negative manifestations will stop an athlete and team from being their best.  And conversely, a strong, solid foundation helps the athlete and team reach as high as possible.  For this reason, THESE SUMMER MONTHS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL XC TRAINING.  REMEMBER, WHATEVER GOALS YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE COME OCTOBER AND BEYOND ARE EARNED IN THE SUMMER!


Here's our schedule for the week - (most practices will run from 7:00a to around 9:00a, unless noted)
Monday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone.  (also Goold Ceremony)
Tuesday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone.  Youth Summer Club at 8:30-9:45 - please do your best to attend on Tuesdays; we need your help with running club.
Wednesday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone. 
Thursday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone. .
Friday: 7:00a at Sullivan Park for everyone. 
Saturday: Run on your own or make a group run.

Each day we will begin our workouts with a new warm up routine called SAM.  It would be great if you would look at this document and the videos that go with it and learn Phase I both Easy and Hard Days as well as the Lunge Matrix and Leg Swings so we can help each other perform these correctly over the next few weeks while we are learning.  (We will do these as warm ups together even though he says to do them after runs.)

Schedule - We have had a few changes to the 2019 Schedule (and we'll probably have a few more).  So take a look, particularly the summer events:
-Team Goal Setting BBQ on Monday, June 17th at 6:00p
-Run-a-Thon (which has been moved to the summer) on July 12-13th
-High Altitude Camp on July 29th-August 1st on Cedar Mountain at Deer Haven Campground (more info coming)
-Car Wash (not a confirmed date yet) on August 10th
We really want everyone to be at these events, so do your very best to be there.

Final Surge - We will once again be using Final Surge to record our running this season.  Those of you have a Final Surge account are all good (maybe just log in and remind yourself how it works).  Those who are new to the team, will need to create an account.  Once you've created an account, you need to email Coach Holt at with your account email so you can be invited to join the team's workout.  There is also a good app you can use to help make Final Surge more effective.  Keeping updated on Final Surge is a team expectation, so please get registered ASAP.
(For those that are registered: please don't add any workouts yet, you will be notified when your workouts are uploaded and you can just go in and edit them.)

Levels - Each of you needs to get the coaches feedback of what Level of running you would like to do this year.  This choice of your workout level is one of the most important you can make for the season.  Please read about the Levels and think about what is appropriate for you and your Level of commitment and progress (read about Levels and all they entail on our workout doc).  Also please ask your teammates and coaches for advice.  Ultimately, everyone needs to let Coach Holt know your workout Level by mid-week, so Final Surge can be finalized.

Communication - get our team text by texting @xcchamps to 81010 and keep checking back here for updates each week.  Also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @pvxctrack

School Registration Requirements -
PHYSICAL: if you have yet to do your physical for this coming school year, please get it taken care of very soon.  Here are the physical forms - fill out the first few pages and then have a doctor complete the physical.  Then turn in the finalized forms to the PVHS office.
REGISTERMYATHLETE: Everyone needs to complete the online paperwork found at
FEE: Don't worry about paying your $85 participation fee yet.  The district has to finish up it's books for this past school year before it opens up the new season.

YOUNGSTERS - 6th-8th graders are invited to join us for any practices they would like during the summer; so come on out!
We do have Summer Running Club starting this Tuesday for all K-8th graders.  Check out the information in the posts below.

Thought of the Week: "Willpower is rarely enough.  Design your environment and routine to promote your desired behaviors and make harder your undesired ones.  This includes the people with whom you surround yourself"
-Brad Stulberg
Usually the first couple days (or even weeks) of summer, we are all pretty excited for XC and we get to practice on time, we're sleeping, eating healthy, and have good attitudes because we are pretty stoked for what the season has to offer.  At some point in time, however, this excitement starts to fade - we want to sleep in like 99% of high school kids, it is very hot, we're just kind of feeling lazy, whatever else.  That is why right now, it is very important that you follow the ideas of this quote.  Right now at the beginning of the season and summer, create an environment of success.  Create an environment that is going to get you to achieve the goals you want to earn later in the year.  Remember what we said earlier... NOW IS THE TIME TO BUILD THE SUCCESS YOU WANT LATER.  This point just can't be overemphasized, IF YOU WANT TO BE GOOD LATER, YOU HAVE TO WORK NOW!

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