Saturday, June 7, 2014

Week 1... Down!

Our first week of XC has finished up and it was a great one!  We had a largest turnout ever for our first day, and most came again (which is always a bonus!).  We had our first day of Kids' Club, and it was packed with over 300 K-8th Graders.  
A couple reminders:

High Altitude Camp - your first $50 is due June 10th (total is $85 if you want to just pay it all).  Please get your money to Coach Holt soon!  If your not sure if you should go, talk to someone who has gone.  Camp is a blast and you will love bonding with your team.

Week Report - many of you need to fill out your Week Reports for this past week.  They need to be done by Sunday afternoon.  If you don't know how to do it... Look over to the right and find the link, go to it, take one of the tabs that doesn't have a name on it, rename it, and add your info.

Heart Rate - over in the right, you will also see the link for the Heart Rate Tracking.  Please start taking yours.

This next week, we will be heading into Week 2 of our XC season.  Some of you will find that you are starting doubles (a second run for the day) once or twice a week.  You might also see your minutes increasing a little bit as you get into better shape.  Everyone keep up the great work... We have seen great progress from many of you, even in just one week!  Remember your other assignment: get someone else out to practice!  Enjoy your weekend and see you Monday at 7:00 at Washington Elementary where we will be announcing our first Athlete of the Week!

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