Sunday, June 7, 2020

June 8-13 (Week 2)

An excellent first week of practice... As coaches, our three favorite things we noticed: 1) the number of younger runners coming out (Freshmen and new Sophies - way to go, it's great to have you coming out! Keep at it, even as it is a little tough; you can do this.). 2) the consistency in our numbers - nearly everyday, everyone kept coming out (this is what will make our program strong and each of you individually strong - consistent practice). 3) the effort given by everyone - Friday was a good example, the fast finish at the end was tough, but everyone was giving a good effort and pushing themselves and each other. Great things to come for sure!
(A lot of info this week... please look through it all)

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: This week's workouts are designed to help us continue to build up a mileage (minutes) base. We like to call this time the Foundation because, as with all things build to stand the test of time and hold a lot of weight, the stronger the Foundation you create right now, the more you will be able to build on it as we continue through the year and years to come. This week, this will include a longer run (with some intro to tempo) and a baseline test to help us giv you some paces for workouts as we continue to get in shape.

This Week's Schedule:
This week, we'll keep having practice at Washington Elementary Monday through Thursday and on Friday, we will meet at the Middleton Park (780 N 1700 E). Each day we will meet at 7:00a. We will also introduce weights this week. On Tuedays and Thursdays after our run, we will go (as a team) over to PVHS and spend 30mins in the weight room going through our routing (please do your best to build this into your schedule).

Weekly Challenge:
This week, reach out to three people and see if you can get them to come with you to practice. To help convince them, you will need to share with them why you come do this running thing. So, take a few minutes and ponder on why you participate with PVXC. Then share those thoughts with 3 others, invite them to come to practice (share specific time and place), and offer ride to get them there. Let's share this thing we enjoy with others we care about.

Book Club:
Last week we introduced you to the author of some reading we will be doing... if you haven't yet watched the video from last week, please do. And then take a little time (really it won't be too much) and read the section we picked up at practice. We will be discussing it on Tuesday at practice.

If you haven't done these things yet, please do:

  • if you haven't looked at the Parent/Athlete Meeting slides, please do - this is in place of our Parent Meeting we usually have at the end of the school year.
  • take a look at the 2020 schedule and start making some plans - we are still in a little flux with some of the meets (particularly travel meets).
  • Report your minutes - even if you haven't been running much (or at all), go to this form and update your minutes and set a goal for yourself for this coming week (the more specific the goal the better) - and catch up any weeks you might have missed. 
  • Also some things to help you out - it would be great if you start to incorporate the lunge matrix, leg swings and SAMs into your daily workout routine. These are great strengthening exercises that will help you get and stay healthy and injury free. 
    • Lunge Matrix video
    • Leg Swings video
    • SAM video
      • Now about this stuff, why do them? No doubt, some of us who know this stuff realize the benefits of these exercises and others aren't so sure about them. Like everything in life, you won't really do a great job with them until YOU buy in. So until you start to realize the benefits of these exercises, maybe you'll just take my word for it - these will help you be stronger; a stronger runner is a healthier runner; a healthier runner is a faster runner...
Youth Summer Running Club Challenge #2:
So, we know at least of few of our Youngesters (grades K-8th) participated in our first challenge from last week. Hopefully it gave you a chance to spend some time with a friend and get out and run a little.
This week, we are going to give you another challenge. The new park in Washington (Hell Hole or whatever name the city has decided to call it) at the bottom of the Washington Parkway has a fun obstacle course and 40 meter timing system. Your Challenge #2 is to go to this park and run both the obstacle course and do a timed 40 meter dash - run it a few times and see what your best time is! If you aren't able to make it to the park, don't worry, go outside your house and make your own course and run it a few times and see how much you can improve.

Remember, we are doing this in place of our usual summer club. If you are able to do 8 of our 10 weekly challenges you will earn a special award. And if you complete your summer marathon of 26.2 miles, you'll earn your certificate. So use the links below to keep track of your progress and keep up the good work!

T-Shirt Order Form - The kids like the shirts and we are able to make a few dollars as a fundraiser for our program for each shirt... If you would like to order T-Shirts this year, please fill out the order form and Venmo $10 per shirt to @Dave-Holt77 by June 15th.

PVXC Though of the Week: 
"Contrary to general misconceptions, meditation is not about training oneself to live without thought; rather it's about training oneself to move beyond one's thought."
-Shawn Green
It's in this week's reading... we'll talk about it on Tuesday.

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