Sunday, June 21, 2020

June 22-27 (Week 4)

Get ready for the temps to warm up. Looks to be a bit warmer both in the mornings and the afternoons this week. So make sure you are drinking plenty of water - should be 100+ oz. a day.

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: This week's workouts will see a continued build up of minutes (and miles) as well as some Pace and Hill work. It is a pretty big week, but we will follow it up with a recovery week next week and cut the minutes down a bit. Right in these few weeks is when we often see injuries creeping in, so do the things that will keep you healthy. We mentioned drinking water (so important to keep hydrated throughout the day). Also, make sure you are icing - ice cupping/massaging after each run can really help lessen the swelling taking place in the body after runs. Massage with a roller (like a stick or a foam roller) - keep the legs loose and clear out the junk that builds up in them. Incorporate yoga into your weekly routine - we like to use this routine, it helps loosen and stretch tired muscles and provides a great way to check in on your body. Another huge thing that gets neglected during our crazy summer months is sleep - GET TO BED EARLIER! Each of you should be getting 8 hours of sleep each night (naps are nice, but aren't as helpful as a good night's sleep). Evaluate your own schedule and see what you can do to improve your sleep. Like everything we talk about, its up to you to implement these suggestions. If you really want to improve your running and be more committed to the team, then you will take steps to improve in each area of weakness.
One more thing on this week. We will start to introduce doubles (a second run for the day) a couple times this week. These will be Regen Runs where the purpose is to allow the legs some regenration. They will be short (15mins) and just two times this week. Levels 2, 3 and 4 should get these runs in. These runs are optional for Level 1. We are starting these doubles now to start working on running in the heat. Eventually, much of our practice will be held after school in the heat, so we want to slowly start acclimating to the high temps. These runs are planned for Tues and Thursday, but look at your schedule and move them if you need to (maybe you have work some day or a family trip or something). Also, we would suggest doing these runs sometime between 2:00p and 5:00p (if you can) so that you are getting that heat acclimation. Of course, do them in an area that is safe and you can get hydration if needed and stop if needed (maybe a few laps around your block so you can stop off and get a drink or soak in the hose). Try to run with someone if possible. And always let someone know when and where you are going, so they can watch out for you to get back safely.

This Week's Schedule:
This week, we'll keep having practice at Washington Elementary Monday through Friday this week at 7:00a. On Saturday we will have our long run, so we would like to meet together to do it. We will meet at Sullivan Park at 7a on Saturday and then do a short carpool up the Dam Road to do our run on a dirt road. Weights on Tuedays and Thursdays after our run, we will go (as a team) over to PVHS and spend 30mins in the weight room going through our routing (please do your best to build this into your schedule). Afternoon runs (see explanation above) on Tues and Thursday on own.

Breakfast with Beattie! Wednesday after practice for the girls and Friday after practice for the boys.

Weekly Challenge:
Many of us are struggling to read our book. So let's make that the challenge... Read this week's section of the book and be ready to contribute to the discussion on Tuesday.

Please use this form and update your minutes and set a goal for yourself for this coming week (the more specific the goal the better) - and catch up any weeks you might have missed. This is how we will earn our minutes awards for the season.

Book Club:
We will be discussing this week's pages on Tuesday at practice.

Other Stuff:
If you haven't done these things yet, please do:
  • registermyathlete - get it done! Go to (the registration part needs to be done this week - physical and fees can be completed later)
  • if you haven't looked at the Parent/Athlete Meeting slides, please do - this is in place of our Parent Meeting we usually have.
  • take a look at the 2020 schedule and start making some plans - we are still in a little flux with some of the meets (particularly travel meets).
Youth Summer Running Club Challenge #4:
Normally, this week would be our first race of summer club. So this week, our challenge is going to get you running a little faster, and we'll do it twice. Your Challenge #4 is to find a good safe area that you can run (like around your block or at a park), and run around it as fast as you can (like a race). Time it if you can (wear a watch, or have someone else time you). Then later in the week, run the same course and see if you can improve your time.

Remember, we are doing this in place of our usual summer club. If you are able to do 8 of our 10 weekly challenges you will earn a special award. And if you complete your summer marathon of 26.2 miles, you'll earn your certificate. So use the links below to keep track of your progress and keep up the good work!

PVXC Thought of the Week: 
"Before that season, I wasn't even aware that a little man was ever on my shoulder, chattering and interfering. How would I know? Until I achieved separation from the mind, I'd known nothing but chattering."
-Shawn Green
It's in this week's reading... we'll talk about it on Tuesday.

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