Sunday, June 23, 2019

Week of June 24-29 (Week 4)

I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing, but the summer is flying by. We are already going into our 4th week of practice and hopefully seeing the results of consistent running. If you've been a little slack, or unable to practice for any reason, let's just get back into it and start working again. Missing a little time really isn't a huge deal, but when we miss and then don't get started again real fitness is lost and we are afraid to get going again because we feel that we are behind where were "supposed" to be. So just come on back out and get started up again. 

Purpose of the week's workouts - We're continuing on our Foundation phase of training. We will continue to build up our long runs and bring in a little more tempo work this week. We will also be changing our time for weights and adding in a second run (a double) for some athletes. We will move weights to 3:00p on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We know that for some people this might make it tough to attend, but, like everything, just do your best. And we will be adding a double (a short afternoon run) for Levels 2,3,4 (for explanation of Levels, go here and read the intro). These early season doubles help us start to work through some of the heat we have to deal with once school starts as well as gaining a little more fitness. (Afternoon weights are for everyone, runs are for Levels 2,3,4 and optional for Level 1s; if you can't make afternoon practice, still get your run in for Levels 2,3,4.)
Last week we mentioned recovery with food, water, and rest. This week, we would like to mention shoes. There isn't a lot of equipment you need for running, but you do need a decent pair (or two) of shoes. The best thing to do for running shoes is to go get fit at a running specialty store. They will teach you the best shoes for your running style and let you try on many pairs. It is important that you don't just choose a running shoe because it looks the best or is the most inexpensive; you need a shoe that fits your foot correctly. And getting a second pair of shoes that you can rotate with is always a good idea. Of course, this costs more - so maybe buying a pair now and another pair in a month or buying a pair while your current pair is still in good shape might help mitigate this cost - but having multiple pairs of running shoes will actually cost less in the long run because your shoes will last longer and you will be much less likely to end up with an overuse injury if you are rotating multiple pairs of good running shoes.


Here's our schedule for the week - (most practices will run from 7:00a to around 9:00a, unless noted)
Monday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone.   
Tuesday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone.  Youth Summer Club at 8:30-9:45 - please do your best to attend on Tuesdays; we need your help with running club.  Those bringing treats please get them ready.
   afternoon weights and run: 3:00p at PVHS
Wednesday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone. 
Thursday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone.
   afternoon weights and run: 3:00p at PVHS
Friday: 7:00a at Coral Canyon Heritage Park for everyone. 
Saturday: Run on your own or make a group run.

Weekly Challenge - (will be posted when we hear it)

We'll leave these reminders up here for a bit:
Schedule -  2019 Schedule . Take a look, particularly the summer events:
Team Goal Setting BBQ on Monday, June 17th at 6:00p - location: 199 E Pleasant View Lane, Time: 6:00p, bring: food assignment - Fresh girls: Choco milk, Fresh boys: salad, Sophs: dessert, Juniors: hamburger buns, Seniors: fruit; swimsuit and a towel.
Run-a-Thon (which has been moved to the summer) on July 12-13th
High Altitude Camp 7/29-8/1 on Cedar Mountain - $90 will be due in the next couple weeks
Car Wash (not a confirmed date yet) on August 10th
We really want everyone to be at these events, so do your very best to be there.

For those just joining us, or if you need info about any of the following, review the past few weeks' posts: Final Surge, Levels, School Registration Requirements, YOUNGSTERS and Summer Running Club.

High Altitude Camp - Please see post dedicated to Camp from last week.  Very important info.

Week 3 Athletes of the Week - (we will come back and update these after they are announced on Monday)
Tough at Practice - .
Team Builder -
Performance - 

Thought of the Week: "More and more I find the training process to be simple. And precisely because it is simple, with no shortcuts, far too hard for many."
-Stephen Seiler
Wow! Just wow! I just saw this quote the other day, and I absolutely love it. One of my fav running books has a character to whom people always ask what is the secret of running. The idea of this "secret" is that there is some fast tracked shortcut that will make you an amazing runner. Ultimately, through the book, we learn that there is no secret. The only thing that makes you an amazing runner is working hard with consistency. And there it is... training is simple. In fact, I'll combine this with another quote from Brad Stulberg who says, "Work hard. Rest. Repeat. Be patient. It's as simple and as hard as that." To become your best self as a runner, there is no "secret", just get out there and do what you're supposed to do. Our program will make you a great runner if you follow it. But because we always want a shortcut or some magic "secret" to become great, sometimes we aren't willing to do the small and simple things that are really the key to becoming great. So there it is... every school, every team, every runner, anyone can follow the PVXC "secret" now. Just go work hard everyday and have fun while you doing it and you'll become great!

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