Sunday, June 30, 2019

Week of July 1-6 (Week 5)

Hey! If you're going to camp, you better get your paperwork in tomorrow! Hey! If you're not sure if you going to camp, make your decision (hopefully "YES!") and get your paperwork in tomorrow!
Did we use enough exclamations? Probably. Did we get our point across? Hopefully. Whether it is because you were gone last week, not sure if you were going, or just lazy, please have your Camp Contract at practice to turn in tomorrow (or email it to Coach Holt or even take a pic of it and text it). Also, take a look at this spreadsheet to see if you've turned your stuff in or if you need to do some things. 
We really want everyone to come to camp. It is when we really come together as a team and form our bond that we build our season on. Please come join us.

Purpose of the week's workouts - If you haven't noticed, we are continuing to build up our minutes. This continual build is why, physically, the summer is the most important time of year for XC. You must be running and building up your running. So, KEEP IT UP!
Last week we discussed shoes and their importance in injury prevention. This week we'll mention mental toughness. You're not always going to have someone pushing you (sometimes literally) along. Take a chance this week to practice your mental toughness and dig in a little more than your normally would. Distance running is a very tough sport physically and mentally, and you must take time to practice the mental side as well as the physical.

Theme Week!
Monday - PVXC (or PV) GEAR
 Tuesday - Other Schools gear
Wednesday - Neon
Thursday - America (red, white, blue)
Friday - Rainbow (wear all one color and the team will be a rainbow)

Here's our schedule for the week - (most practices will run from 7:00a to around 9:00a, unless noted)
Monday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone.   
Tuesday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone.  NO Youth Summer Club this week.
   afternoon run: 3:00p at Kylee's - 2288 E 575 N, St. George
Wednesday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone. 
Thursday: 7:00a at Washington Elementary for everyone.
   afternoon run on your own.
Friday: 7:00a location To Be Announced for everyone. 
Saturday: Run on your own or make a group run.

Weekly Challenge - (will be posted when we hear it)

Run-a-Thon - Will be held Friday, July 12th at PVHS. We will run from 10:00a through 10:00p (you don't run that whole time, but the team does). The run-a-thon is a great team building experience and a great way for you to raise $ for your own XC expenses. Fundraising paperwork will sent home from practice soon. We will need to know who is participating by next Monday (a firm commitment). Please do your best to attend.

For those just joining us, or if you need info about any of the following, review the past few weeks' posts: Final Surge, Levels, School Registration Requirements, YOUNGSTERS and Summer Running Club.

High Altitude Camp - Please see post dedicated to Camp from a few weeks ago.  Very important info.

Week 4 Athletes of the Week - (we will come back and update these after they are announced on Monday)
Tough at Practice - .
Team Builder -
Performance - 

Thought of the Week: "People ask me what's my secret: I keep working even when no one is looking."
-Darik Alexander
Okay, last week we lied; there is a secret! And this is it. There will be times when no one is watching and you might wonder if it is a good time to just chill a little - maybe be late to practice, not work as hard on your drills, take a few minutes off the run, or even not run at all. We will tell you for sure, that these times that no one is watching are really the difference makers. They are the moments that will really test your mental strength and your willingness to give your very best. This week, dig in and give your best, even when it feels like no one is watching.

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