Saturday, July 30, 2016

Spirit Pack Info

Here's the post we've all been waiting for... and I've been dreading.  Spirit Pack info!

So the SPIRIT PACK doc has two tabs... the first is the for the High School athletes, the second is for the Youngsters.  So make sure you are checking out/printing out/ordering off the appropriate doc.

For High Schoolers (and Parents) - print off your order form, fill it out completely with sizes and number of items (if ordering multiple of the same thing) and totals of cost, etc.  Make it as clear to me as possible what you are ordering and how much it all costs.  If you are putting SPONSOR money toward your Spirit Pack, you must have that money collected and turned in to the Finance Office at the HS by next Friday.  On Monday the 8th, at practice, I will then collect your Order Form and Sponsor Receipts; we will do the quick math to figure out your final payment and you will then be responsible for bringing the Spirit Pack Receipt to Coach to complete your order.

The only things you MUST GET from the Spirit Pack are the Mens or Womens Race Singlet and Mens Shorts or Womens Spandex or Shorts (look at the descriptions for the appropriate things).  Those of you who have these from previous years don't need to order them again unless you need/want to.  All the other items are optional.

For the Youngsters (and Parents) - you aren't required to get anything from the order form.  However, if you would like one of the new uniform tops go ahead and order one.  To make sure we get them before too long into the season, they have already been ordered.  So sizes will be on a first order/pay first serve basis.  You can also pay for all your meets through this and save a little money (this is something we have to do to cover the cost of timing the bigger meets, and saying it is a camp - to be legal - for the smaller meets).  The Youngsters Order Form and Payment need to be turned in to Coach Holt.  This program is ran through the PVXC Club, therefore the payment is NOT to the HS. 

A final, but important reminder, whatever you order you will pay for!

1 comment:

New Harmony Green said...

does anyone know how the sizing works? not sure which size shorts to order, this whole small Med Large thing is knew.