Friday, November 4, 2022

Nov. 7-12 (Week 23)

Last couple weeks before Nike! *REMEMBER, YOU MUST BE AT PRACTICE TO BE ELEGIBLE TO COME WITH US*. We missed a lot of people of Friday morning. That's not good!

A message for parents - As we are maybe starting to think about presents at this time of year, here's a few ideas for the runner in your home: shoes, shoes, and more shoes (the one piece of gear a runner must have is shoes, and now is a great time to get a new pair and double it up as a present!); a watch (a decent gps watch can range from $100 or less to quite a bit more, but really you don't need anything super fancy); recovery aids like foam rollers, rolling sticks, and massage tools; a book about running or sports psychology can be an interesting read.

A message for athletes - SLEEP! Take advantage of the time change to get more sleep. This is a great time to move your bed time earlier. When you start to get tired at your "old" bed time, go to sleep, don't wait until the clock tells you to go to bed. So if I am usually going to bed at around 10:30, now I'll feel tired at 9:30; use it and go to sleep then and start the positive habit of a better sleep time.

*NEXT YEAR HIGH ALTITUDE CAMP* JULY 17-20 AT JACOB LAKE - make your plans now. 

Summer Moratorium will be June 28-July 4

Some other important announcements:

  • Those interested in going to Foot Locker/Eastbay/Champs (whatever else it wants to be called) in California on December 3, we are going to have a meeting in Holt's room at lunch on Monday. Come prepared to talk about hotels/driving (know if your parent could drive and # of spots)/activities/etc... MSers make sure you let us know if you are interested so we can count you toward our numbers and get you the info we put together. 

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: This week's workouts

This Week's Schedule:
Monday: AM - 6:30a regeneration run PVHS (Black required, Silver optional, no Maroon) / Afternoon regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone) No team meeting, just get out to practice
Tuesday: AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - no practice, RACE - Autumn Classic be at PVHS at 6:20p (everyone)
Wednesday: AM - 6:15a regeneration run PVHS (Black required; Silver optional; no Maroon; no Freshmen), Yoga at 6:45a everyone invited / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Thursday: AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday: AM - 6:15a PVHS (everyone) Afternoon - after school for those assigned
Saturday: AM - we'll decide if we want a group run or individual groups

Race Report:
Times are up for the PVXC Dream Mile. It was awesome to see so many great efforts out on the track. Check out for results.

Upcoming Events:
  • Race - Autumn Classic (3200m track race with DH), Tuesday, 11/8 at PVHS. Girls 7:00p, Boys after 
  • PVXC Banquet - Thursday, Nov. 17th, time TBA at PVHS. Look for assignments coming. Try and plan to be there (athletes and families); we want to celebrate everyone on the team.
  • Race - Nike Southwest Regional (NXR), Saturday, 11/19 in Phoenix. race schedule TBA. Itinerary will be sent out soon for those attending.
PVXC Thought of the Week: 
"The time when there is no one there to feel sorry for you or to cheer for you is when a player is made
-Tim Duncan, NBA great
We're basically entering our off-season. Yet we are still running. Why? People always see us running at this time (after State) and wonder why we are still out there. Maybe even some of you (athletes and/or parents) are wondering the same thing. The answer is really pretty simple in two ways: 1) to get better - to be a better runner, you have to run today, tomorrow, the next day. You've got to keep grinding. The physiology of aerobic activities requires you to continually be building (it is much different that a ball sport in that way where you can not do it for a few months and then come back and pick it up pretty quickly; in running, you have to keep building month after month, year after year, and if you miss it is pretty noticeable). 2) we love it! What else do you have to say about that!
Now, during this time (even when we take our two weeks off next month), this is the time when all the foundation for gains and glory is made. So now that our season is over, what are you going to do to become better for the future?

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