Sunday, June 22, 2014

Week 3 - RRR!

Week 3 closes out our strongest week this summer.  Not only did we achieve our highest minutes total this summer, we had our largest group to Friday's run, and we had GREAT weather!
I think it is very important that we think of the 3 R's that Coach Roberts talked to us about on Monday - Run, Record, Recruit.  Each of these R's plays a vital role in our program.

Run: Obviously we need to be running!  So each of us needs to ask, "How am I doing on running today?"  Am I getting up to get to practice each morning?  If so, great… If not, what is getting in the way of that?  Not enough sleep, being lazy, feeling like you aren't fitting in?  Whatever it is, you need to figure it out and decide how you can address the issue - it all comes down commitment and wanting to make yourself and your team better.  To tell you the truth, my biggest difficulty is sleep.  I love sleep!  So waking up early each morning to run is tough for me.  So what gets me out of bed?  You!  The team.  I know that the team counts on me to be there and looks to my example.  Hopefully these could be things that get you out to practice too because each of you are an important part of this team and we need you there and want you there.

Record:  The Week Report… What is it's purpose?  For you: tracking your progress, setting goals, figuring out why you are doing well or maybe struggling.  For the coaches: tracking your progress and goals, creating your workouts, determining what is helping you or setting you back.   And the same goes for your Heart Rate Tracking!

Recruit:  The whole purpose of this is to increase our good times!  If you are having fun, wouldn't you want others to have fun too?  Quit being so selfish and share the fun!

So let me sum all this up with our team's goal from this week - 8000 minutes.  8000 minutes should be very easy to get with over 60 people on our team.  So did we get it?  Yes and No… we easily were over 8000 minutes - as a team we were probably well over 12000 minutes; but many missed a run or two, we haven't gotten as many recruits out as we should; and we probably had just over half of our runs recorded.  So… did we get out goal? Nope… we ended up 22 minutes short.  Bummer!  Let's commit to the 3R's and go get it this coming week!  


Unknown said...

GAA!!! I should have done my 3rd double run!

PVHS said...

Soooooo close! We will get it this week.