Thursday, September 5, 2013

August Athletes of the Month

Our first Athletes of the Month are Liz Lunt and Kyler Prisbrey.
Liz, a Senior and one of our captains, has shown great success from her hard work and dedication over the years.  Along with Mia Hart, Liz has led the team numerous races this season.  She has always been a great example of caring, dedication and determination for all her Panther teammates.
Kyler, a Senior, joined PVXC last year and was a top JV runner and has continued to improve since.  After a summer of many miles, Kyler has moved into our top level Varsity runners.  He was labeled our "secret weapon" coming into the year.  But the secret is out... He is good!
Great job Liz and Kyler.  Thanks for all you do for our program.

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