Saturday, August 24, 2024

Aug. 26-31 (Week 13)

Another awesome week. We talked a bit this week about making sure you are taking care of yourself and helping prevent injuries: nutrition (eat and drink!), focus on pre and post-run work (it really helps prevent injuries), shoes (check into maybe getting another pair soon), and SLEEP (see if you can get 15 more minutes a night this week; sleep is the biggest performance enhancer and recovery aid there is).

Also, we need to do better with WHITE or BRIGHT shirts at our AM PRACTICES!

And an important note - as we are looking toward our travel meets, athletes must be at practice or they will not be going to travel meets.

Any new athletes, check out the registration stuff on RegisterMyAthlete.

If you are not on our remind text group please do...
Keep in touch and up-to-date with important info by following us on Instagram @pvxctrack
Receive our texts
    Athletes use the class code @xcchamps at or text the code to 81010
    Parents use the class code @pvxcparent at or text the code to 81010

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). This week we'll have a little different schedules for our Var and JV as we focus on different races in the next 2 weeks. We'll all hit a mid-distance on Monday morning. We'll then do a workout on Tuesday afternoon. Click here and track your minutes from Week 12: Weekly Minutes

All practices at PVHS unless noted
This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass) 
Monday - AM - 6:15a (White, Black, Silver; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone) Meet in Lecture Hall after changing into practice clothes for our team meeting
Tuesday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Wednesday - AM - 6:15a regeneration run PVHS (Whit and Black required; Silver optional; no Maroon, no Freshmen), Yoga at 6:45a everyone invited / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Thursday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (everyone) Afternoon - White required, Black and Silver optional; no Fresh/Sophs or Maroons) / RACE, Timpanogos Invite, Invite Varsity see info below (invited athletes will be notified Monday or earlier)
Saturday - practice on own or form own group

Upcoming Events:
  • RACE: Timpanogos Invite - Friday, 8/30, Var girls 11:00a, Var boys 11:30a; Lake Side Park (Orem); overnight/travel info will be sent home with invited Varsity; Varsity athletes; $35 hotel fee (please pay before)
  • RACE: Dixie All-Comers - Tuesday, 9/3, girls 6:00p, boys 6:30p, (Youngsters 5:00p); Bloomington Hills North Park; no bus; team arrive by 5:00p; all athletes who don't run at Timpanogos
  • RACE: Las Vegas Invite - Saturday, 9/7, Varsity boys (top JV boys) 7:30a, Fresh/Soph girls (JV) 8:00a, Fresh Soph (JV) boys 8:35a, Varsity B girls (Jr/Sr JV) 9:10a, Varsity B boys (Jr/Sr JV) 9:45a; Sunset Park; bus info TBA
  • RACE: Border Wars - Saturday, 9/14, Sr girls 9:00a, Sr boys 9:20a, Jr girls 9:40a, Jr boys 10:00a, Varsity girls 10:20a, Champ girls 11:00a, Champ boys 11:20a, Soph girls 11:40a, Soph boys 12:00p, Fresh girls 12:40p, Fresh boys 1:00p; Valley Regional Park (Taylorsville); overnight/travel info will be sent home with invited athletes; $35 hotel fee (please pay before)
    • *travel meets require a grade check on Monday before meet (Timpanogos, Las Vegas, Border Wars, TwiKnight, Divisionals, State)
Race Report:
SUU Invite - The team is continuing to see great results and improvements. The Varsity boys started the day off with a very strong team effort. They packed throughout much of the race and ended with a very solid spread of just 41 seconds. Bridger took the win, followed by Trevor and Bender in 3rd and 4th, then Jake and Benji in 6th and 7th, and Liam rounded out our team in 12th for a superb score of just 21. The girls also worked on packing and really helped close up our 2-4 runners with Tevye finishing 6th, then Elin 7th, and Vanessa 8th. Emmalee ran a tremendous last mile to close to 2nd. And Katie continues to run well with a 23rd place finish to lead the girls to the team title. The JV boys then swept the top 6 spots to hit a perfect score. Huge props to Carter, Elliot, Kyle, Nate, Brennan, and Ben for going 1st-6th. Big shout out to so many other guys too, but let's mention a couple: Dustin finish 12th in 18:00, Miles is continuing to run very strong, Jaxon keeps hitting big PRs, and Will had a great first race. The JV girls were paced by Jordyn who took a strong 2nd and Andi placing 12th. Results / PV Records (some big performances on a course we've run since 2008)

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and will be meeting 2 times a week on Monday and Wednesday at 3:00p at PVHS. Our next Youngsters race will be on 9/3 at 5:00p before the HS races at the Dixie All-Comers at Bloomington Hills North Park.

PVXC Thought of the Week: "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water."
-Zen Buddhist saying
One of my favorite philosophies. After nearly 3 solid months of workouts and team building, we are off to a fantastic start (maybe our best in PV history!). So it's probably a great time to think about what got us here and where we want to go... and the answer to that is to keep doing the same things. There aren't any huge secrets or shortcuts, and we definitely don't say we got this so we can chill. What do we do? Keep chopping wood, keep carrying water. Get in the Boat!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Aug. 19-24 (Week 12)

It was great to get that first week of school going and our first race of the season. Also, thanks to everyone who helped with the car wash; it went great... and most importantly, you were able to raise some money. We will be getting out info in the next couple weeks for our end-of-season trip to Nike as well as our spirit packs. 

*We have some updates on our Youngsters (6th-8th grade) program below*

Any new athletes, check out the registration stuff on RegisterMyAthlete.

If you are not on our remind text group please do...
Keep in touch and up-to-date with important info by following us on Instagram @pvxctrack
Receive our texts
    Athletes use the class code @xcchamps at or text the code to 81010
    Parents use the class code @pvxcparent at or text the code to 81010

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). This week we'll see our minutes come up a little with a long run on Monday. We'll then do a workout on Wednesday (depending on the weather, we may do this workout in the morning, but for now we'll plan on after school). Click here and track your minutes from Week 11: Weekly Minutes

All practices at PVHS unless noted
This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass) 
Monday - AM - 5:45a (everyone, maroons who want long run please attend) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone) Meet in Lecture Hall after changing into practice clothes for our team meeting
Tuesday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Wednesday - AM - 6:15a regeneration run PVHS (Whit and Black required; Silver optional; no Maroon, no Freshmen), Yoga at 6:45a everyone invited / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Thursday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (everyone) Afternoon - White required, Black and Silver optional; no Fresh/Sophs or Maroons)
Saturday - RACE, SUU Invite, see info below

Upcoming Events:
  • RACE: SUU Invite - Saturday, 8/24, Var boys 8:00a, Var girls 8:30a, JV boys 9:00a, JV girls 9:40a, awards after, Bicentennial Park (Cedar), bus info TBA
  • RACE: Timpanogos Invite - Friday, 8/30, Var girls 11:00a, Var boys 11:30a, Lake Side Park (Orem), overnight/travel info will be sent home with invited Varsity; Varsity athletes
  • RACE: Dixie All-Comers - Tuesday, 9/3, girls 6:00p, boys 6:30p, (Youngsters 5:30p), Bloomington Hills North Park, no bus; team arrive by 5:00p; all athletes who don't run at Timpanogos
Race Report:
Cedar All-Comers - This may have been our best season opener ever. Nearly every single member of our team ran PRs and we had a great overall showing. In cross, not every course is equal in difficulty and distance, so we might not hit these times again (and maybe we will!), but we'll be able to race at Cedar again near the end of the season which will give us a great comparison of in-season growth. Both teams took 2nd to DH and learned some great things about where we might grow. We placed four girls in the top 10: Emmalee 2nd, Elin 5th, Tevye 8th, and Vanessa 10th. Katie rounded out our scoring with a strong race and Andi and Sydney finished up our top 7. Bridger took the overall win for the boys, with Trevor 4th, Bender 6th, and Jake 8th. Then we had a big group pushing for our remaining varsity spots with Benji, Liam, Kyle, Elliot, and Carter finishing 17th-21st. There were many other great races by our team. Results / News article / Season Preview article

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and will be meeting 2 times a week on Monday and Wednesday at 3:00p at PVHS. Our next Youngsters race will be before the HS races at the Dixie All-Comers.

PVXC Thought of the Week: "It's easy to sit on the sidelines. To analyze the thing. Talk about the thing. Perhaps even dream about the thing. But these are all just ways of protecting yourself from actually doing the thing. It takes courage to step into the arena. When you step into the arena and give something your all, you make yourself vulnerable. Things don't always go your way. You could fail. (At some point, you will fail.) This is why caring deeply requires courage."
-Brad Stulberg

A similar theme to last week's quote. It's great to have dreams and goals. It's great to talk about doing big things. But until you actually go and give it a shot, that's all they are... dreams, goals, talk. When things really start to happen is when you ACT. and to ACT takes courage. Let's be courageous and with the support of teammates and friends and family, let's all get out there and ACT. Get in the Boat!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Aug. 12-17 (Week 11)

It's race season! Hopefully you are excited to show your hard work over the summer. There is probably some nervousness in there too, and that's okay. Nerves show that you care and want to do well. The key is to just not let those nerves shut you down. How do you do that? By going back to the hard work you've put it (think of good workouts, your growth, etc), by remembering that this is just one part of the journey, and by remembering that all those who care about you (family, team, coaches) believe in you and are there to support you not judge you.
Of course, we also start up school this week. So there are some extra stressors in our lives. This is a good time to make sure you are doing all the things to keep a healthy body and mind by working on your sleep schedule (make it a few minutes better each night/week), working on healthy eating, and developing a time schedule that works for you with school work, practice, family/friend time, and your other activities.

*We have some updates on our Youngsters (6th-8th grade) program below*

Parent Info: As we head into our first full XC race this week, a little info about our expectations and how things go - 
  • each athlete needs to ride the bus to meets with the team - this gives us plenty of time to warm up and to be there to support our teammates, as well as build the team bonds with the fun/crappiness of trips together!
  • after a race, please let the athletes do their cool downs - often we want to give lots of hugs and talk about the good and bad; instead (as we've told the athletes to do) just give a quick wave and an "I love you" or whatever and let them get into their post run stuff
  • speaking of talking after a race, what do you say as a parent? - be positive and tell your kids you are proud of their hard work and growth; let the athlete talk (or not) about how well/not as well they did (let them lead the conversation); don't try to coach the athlete (that coaching is so often well meaning, but that's what we coaches get paid the big bucks for! You just be the beaming parent!)
  • athletes are expected to stay the entire meet and watch all the races (even if theirs' gets done earlier) - again this is about the team; we are a team, we need to be there for each other and support each other. And if you parents need to leave, that's why we have a bus. In fact, often that time on the bus is the absolute best bonding because the stress of the race is gone and the kids can decompress. 
  • If you are going to take your child (again, after all the races, please), you MUST check out with the coach who has the clipboard and sign your child out. Athletes CAN ONLY GO HOME WITH THIER GUARDIAN - not with a family friend, neighbor, sibling, even grandparent (those situations must be approved by the administration in writing before the meet - it is for your child's safety)
Thanks to everyone who got their RegisterMyAthlete started/finished up. Please go check out where you are at with it and get it done. You're RMA will need to say "Ready for Tryouts" or "Complete" by Aug. 5 to be at practice. And it will need "Complete" by the first day of school (Aug. 12) for you to be able to compete at our first meet at Cedar. Check out where you stand on this spreadsheet.

If you are not on our remind text group please do...
Keep in touch and up-to-date with important info by following us on Instagram @pvxctrack
Receive our texts
    Athletes use the class code @xcchamps at or text the code to 81010
    Parents use the class code @pvxcparent at or text the code to 81010

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). Above we mentioned that this week we'll take it back a little, but the week will still have plenty of work to do. So check out the schedule for the week.
Thanks to those who have been keeping up your minutes each week. Entering your minutes each week is another sign of you commitment to the team and your own individual goals. Click here and track your minutes from Week 10: Weekly Minutes

All practices at PVHS unless noted
This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass) 
Monday - AM - 6:00a (everyone) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone) Meet in Lecture Hall after changing into practice clothes for our team meeting
Tuesday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Wednesday - AM - 6:15a regeneration run PVHS (Whit and Black required; Silver optional; no Maroon, no Freshmen), Yoga at 6:45a everyone invited / Afternoon - RACE, Cedar All-Comers, see info below
Thursday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (everyone) Afternoon - White required, Black and Silver optional; no Fresh/Sophs or Maroons)
Saturday - Sandstone Elem at 6:30a (Everyone)

Upcoming Events:
  • RACE: Cedar All-Comers - Wednesday, 8/14, 6:00p, Cedar HS, bus leaving PVHS as close to 4:00p as possible. Youngsters Race before (5:30p)
  • CAR WASH FUNDRAISER - Saturday, August 17th, 9:00a-noon. We will practice before. Get tickets from Holt.
  • RACE: SUU Invite - Saturday, 8/24, Var girls 8:00a, Var boys 8:30a, JV Girls 9:00a, JV Boys 9:45a, awards after, Bicentennial Park (Cedar), bus info TBA
Race Report:
Desert Relays - Always a fun meet to test our summer fitness and get some of the jitters out. Congrats to Bridger and Emmalee who both won Leg 2 in record time and to the boys on the team win.

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and will be meeting 2 times a week on Monday and Wednesday at 3:00p at PVHS. The Cedar All-Comers will have a youth race before the HS races.

Uniforms: We will be getting our uniforms Monday. You have to pay first (at the PVHS finance office) before picking up your uni. All tops are $35, girls shorts are $25. Guys, we have only a few shorts left, so you may have to order online. You need an all black short: Here's a good 5" short. An Adidas 5" option. An nice Adidas split short. That's a few options for you... you might find something else, too, just make sure you get a black short.

PVXC Thought of the Week: "Decreasing our effort is a form of protection. It gives our ego a break. Allowing us to say, 'I had more left in the tank,' or, 'If I tried harder, I would have won.' Giving everything exposes yourself. Makes you come face to face with how good you are in that moment."
-Steve Magness

I've been around many people who allow themselves an out. Maybe it is slowing down a little, worrying about the weather, allowing outside stressors to affect them, or many other things. Man, I can point out many times I've done the same thing. Leaving that out doesn't really allow you to accomplish anything, though. Those that go all in are the only ones who will achieve great things. What if Cole Hocker had let Jacob's cutting him off at 100m to go be his out? What if Kenneth Rooks would have said, "I made the Olympic final, it doesn't really matter what effort I give now."? What if Sydney thought that she had the easy win and could back off? But here's the thing... none of them did that! That's why Hocker won gold! That's why Rooks shocked the world! That's why Sydney set her 6th world record! You gotta risk it a bit. Don't hold back your effort because you're afraid that you might not accomplish something. Put it all out there and DO GO ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING! Even if it isn't everything you hoped, it will be everything you could. Get in the Boat!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Aug. 5-10 (Week 10)

It has been a great summer and a fun summer. And this should be a fun week, too, with the opportunity for a couple relay races and our final week of summer practice. Make sure you check out the schedule for the week as practice locations/times are changing and also the Upcoming Events section as we've changed the time of the Desert Relays tomorrow and added our fundraiser car wash to the schedule.

Thanks to everyone who got their RegisterMyAthlete started/finished up. Please go check out where you are at with it and get it done. You're RMA will need to say "Ready for Tryouts" or "Complete" by Aug. 5 to be at practice. And it will need "Complete" by the first day of school (Aug. 12) for you to be able to compete at our first meet at Cedar. Check out where you stand on this spreadsheet.

If you are not on our remind text group please do...
Keep in touch and up-to-date with important info by following us on Instagram @pvxctrack
Receive our texts
    Athletes use the class code @xcchamps at or text the code to 81010
    Parents use the class code @pvxcparent at or text the code to 81010

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). We'll be moving into our SWEP - Speed/Strength With Endurance Process - phase now for those who have been with us throughout the summer (those who are new will be building their foundation a bit with few minutes/workouts). In SWEP we focus on sustaining our base while adding in more race pace work.
Thanks to those who have been keeping up your minutes each week. Entering your minutes each week is another sign of you commitment to the team and your own individual goals. Click here and track your minutes from Week 9: Weekly Minutes

This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass)
Monday - AM: practice on own - look at link above for minutes and make sure you get permission for Green Post Work to do Green Easy (this is found by going to the "web version" - click at the bottom of your phone - and then scrolling through the links on the right) (Everyone) / PM: RACE Desert Relays at BHNP arrive by 6:00p, race at 7:00p, see info below (Everyone)
Tuesday - AM: Regular practice at 7:00a at Pine View HS (Everyone) / PM: easy run and weights at 1:00p at PV (White, Black, Silver expected; Maroon optional)
Wednesday - AM: long run on own (or form own group) (Everyone) / PM: easy run on own (or form own group) (White and Black expected, Silver optional - no Maroon)
Thursday - AM: Regular practice at 7:00a at PV (Everyone) / PM: easy run and weights at 3:00p at PV (White, Black, Silver expected; Maroon optional)
Friday - AM: Regular practice at 7:00a at PV (Everyone) / PM: easy run on own (or form own group) (White expected, Black and Silver optional - no Maroon)
Saturday - RACE HOKA Relays at PV arrive by 6:15a, races start at 7:00a, see info below (Everyone)

Upcoming Events:
  • Desert Relays* - Monday, August 5th, races start at 7:00p be there by 6:00p, Bloomington Hills North Park, relay meet vs. Desert Hills (everyone) - wear any PV gear you might have (uni, t-shirt) but if you don't have any no worries!
  • Renegade Camp (for invited runners) - August 6th-7th, Beaver  
  • HOKA Mile Relays* - Saturday, August 10th, races start at 7:00a be there by 6:15a, Pine View High School, relay meet (everyone, including families/friends) - wear any PV gear you might have (uni, t-shirt) but if you don't have any no worries!
  • Cedar All-Comers - Wednesday, August 14th, 6:00p, Cedar HS, bus TBA. Youngsters Race before (5:30p)
  • CAR WASH FUNDRAISER - Saturday, August 17th, 9:00a-noon, we will practice before, tickets and info coming out soon
*We really need to have our full team to these races. Our preseason race numbers have been a bit small. Full effort should be made in planning to be with the TEAM at our TEAM events.

Race Report:
PV Time Trial - Pretty impressive stuff! It was great to see so many of you pushing yourself and letting all your hard work over the summer show. Many individual and team records were broken, and almost everyone who ran it in the past set a new PR (personal record) for the course. 2024 Results / Records

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and usually meet 2 times a week. Days and times TBA. All of our Youngsters are invited to join us at our time trial, the Desert Relays, and the HOKA Mile Relays. The Cedar All-Comers will also have a youth race before the HS races. MORE INFO COMING SOON!

PVXC Thought of the Week: "Cross Country is a great metaphor for life. From the outside, it looks like an individual sport. A bunch of people running their own race. But in reality, it's a team sport. The sooner we embrace the team aspect, the better we perform, and the more joy and connection we create."
-Steve Magness

"To Live and Run Greatly" that is our PVXC motto. We do better in life with people supporting us and we do better in our running with people supporting us. And other do better in each aspect when we support them. We had a great final book discussion about unity and being together in all things. Let's keep reaching out to each other and building this team and strengthening each other. Get in the Boat!