Sunday, October 13, 2024

Oct. 14-19 (Week 20)

We're really proud of how everyone did at Region. We really are the most amazing program in the Region and the reason is you! Your hard work and dedication. Your commitment to your teammates. Your willingness to be coached.  Your support of each other.... It is a lot of fun to be associated with such an amazing group of people. Great job Panthers.

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts. Expectation is to have a great prerace on Monday morning that gets the weekend out of us and ready to roll, and then have a great Divisionals race. On Tuesday the Varsity will be up at Divisionals, everyone else will have the Groove workout after school. We'll be back together as a team on Wednesday and do our normal Wednesday schedule. Over Fall Break, we would like to hold practice together at 11:30a to help the Varsity crew work on their timing of waking up, eating, running at the same time as State. Please try and be there as best you can. Click here and track your minutes from Week 19: Weekly Minutes

All practices at PVHS unless noted
This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass) 
Monday - AM - Varsity 6:00a / JV 6:15a PVHS (White, Black, Silver expected; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone), no team meeting
Tuesday - NO AM  / Afternoon - RACE: Divisionals (Varsity - see info below) or regular practice (JV) at 3:00p PVHS
Wednesday - AM - 6:15a regeneration run PVHS (White and Black required; Silver optional; no Maroon, no Freshmen), Yoga at 6:45a everyone invited / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Thursday - AM - on own (for those who want to) / Afternoon - regular practice at 11:30a location TBA (everyone)
Friday - AM - on own (for those who want to) / Afternoon - regular practice at 11:30a BHNP (everyone)
Saturday - 11:30a Sullivan (everyone)

Upcoming Events:
  • RACE: 4A Divisionals - Tuesday, 10/15; Girls A 1:00p, Boys A 1:20a, Girls B 1:40p, Boys B 2:00p (we don't know which races we will be in until after Region); Lake Side Park, Orem - we will be taking one or two extra athletes who have really exemplified our motto this year of Get in the Boat! as alternates (make sure all your grades and assignments are caught up before since this is the end of the quarter) - itinerary (including list of invited athletes) 
  • RACE: Utah 4A State Championships - Tuesday, 10/29; Boys 12:00p, Girls 12:30p; Sugarhouse Park, Salt Lake (we will be taking anyone on the team who is continuing to be committed to practice and our team up as Hype Squads... it's a ton of fun to support and be part of it all, plan on coming!)
  • RACE: JV State Championships - Saturday, 11/2 (NEW DATE!); 1A-4A Girls 9:00a, 1A-4A Boys 9:30a; Spanish Fork Sports Park (Cost is $8, must pay to Coach Holt before Oct. 31st, individuals will be required to provide own transportation/lodging) 
    • *travel meets require a grade check on Monday before the meet (Divisionals, State)
Race Report:
Region - I'll come back and get to this soon!

Alumni Report:
Jessica raced with Weber at the Delinger Invite in Oregon. And Brooklyn raced at the Steve Reeder Invite for Utah State. I'll add to this with times and stuff later!

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We've had a great Youngsters season. Thanks so much to our coaches for being there for the team and helping build our program. This week is our final race on Monday, Oct. 7th at Grandpa's Pond in Hurricane. If any Youngsters would like, they can continue to come out with the HS team when our season officially ends after Oct. 29th (reach out to Coach Holt for info). And we look forward to the spring when we get our track season rolling. Watch for info to be posted at in January.

PVXC Thought of the Week: This is a long story, but very interesting... "In 1995, the British Medical Journal reported on a 29-year-old builder who had suffered a severe accident. He jumped down from a ledge on the construction site, only to land on a nail that went straight through his boot! Understandably, he was in a lot of pain. He was taken to the emergency room. Seeing his discomfort and the nail, doctors gave him (various drugs) to sedate and deal with the immense pain. The doctors removed the nail, took off his shoe... and realized that the nail had in fact penetrated the boot, but it had been between the toes. The man was uninjured. Yet, the context told him he was... Seeing the nail, his coworkers' reaction, and the rushing to get him to the hospital... All screamed that he should be in pain. His brain complied. According to the Predictive Processing Theory, this is how our brain works. We predict what will occur, using a combination of expectations and sensory experiences. In this case, the builder's expectations based on seeing the nail in the boot, etc. overrode his actual sensory experience (no pain). What's even crazier... This theory tells us that when we have a mismatch between expectations and sensory experiences, we strive to resolve it. Sometimes, that means ignoring the sensory data that contradicts, other times it means updating (learning) our expectations based on the data... And other times it means CREATING the physical sensations to match our expectations. That's why he felt excruciating pain. To deal with the mismatch, to reduce the error, his brain created the sensation of pain, so it matched his expectations. Now, think about how you are creating your own expectations. Are they aligned with reality? Do they set you up for success or delusion?"
-Steve Magness
This story is wild to me, yet it makes so much sense. Think about it in terms of running... Do you ever create sensations based upon what you think should be happening? A race or a workout is hard and should have some pain with it - so have I ever made the level of pain up because it's supposed to hurt? It's hot out - so have I ever created the sensations and struggles that come with heat to match up, even if it isn't that bad? Or take it to another level... is pain even real if we can make it up in our head when there is actually "no nail in my foot"? Well, yes, pain is real, but how much of it do we create based upon our perceptions rather than reality? And if I can start to control my perceptions of things (like pain, or tiredness, or heat, or whatever) how much can I actually work through it knowing I am in control of it, it isn't in control of me. Get in the Boat!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Oct. 7-12 (Week 19)

I hope everyone is excited for the opportunity to show all their hard work and growth throughout the year with Region coming up this week! And although we might have a little bit of nerves, that is a positive thing. Nerves mean we care and we want to do well. So focus on a few things the next day or two: 1) you've put in the work - you have been running for months now (even years), each of you have done a ton of work for this. 2) everyone believes in you - your teammates, your coaches, your family and friends all have your back and are happy for you to achieve great things. 3) you know the game plan - you've visualized your race; you know where you're supposed to relax and let the race come to you (the first mile), you know that in the second mile you're going to work your way up and get into position where you want to finish, and in the last mile you are just picking off people as we move strong down the hill (remember our commitment to our team and to ourselves to only be passing in the last 600 meters of the race!). 4) this is all fun! - this isn't life or death... it's running, so go have fun pushing yourself and helping your teammates. 

A huge thanks to everyone for your help with the marathon. The run before was great even if it was early. And your help at the aid station was so appreciated by the runners. Great job organizing it all AJ.

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts. Expectation is to have a great prerace on Monday morning that gets the weekend out of us and ready to roll, and then have a great Region race. On Thursday and Saturday, we'll have workouts prepping the Varsity for Divisionals/State and keeping the JV ready for our post-season races. Click here and track your minutes from Week 18: Weekly Minutes

All practices at PVHS unless noted
This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass) 
Monday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (White, Black, Silver; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone), Meet in Lecture Hall after changing into practice clothes for our team meeting
Tuesday - AM - 6:45a NO Weights, just a short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - RACE: Region 9 Championships (see info below)
Wednesday - AM - 6:15a regeneration run PVHS (White and Black required; Silver optional; no Maroon, no Freshmen), Yoga at 6:45a everyone invited / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Thursday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (everyone) Afternoon - White required, Black and Silver optional; no Fresh/Sophs or Maroons) 
Saturday - 7:00a BHNP (everyone)

Upcoming Events:
  • RACE: Region 9 Championships - Tuesday, 10/8; JV girls 4:00p, JV Boys 4:35p, Var Girls 5:10p, Var Boys 5:40p; Bloomington Hills North Park (arrive right after school - 3:00p / No bus, MUST ARRANGE OWN RIDES)
  • RACE: 4A Divisionals - Tuesday, 10/15; Girls A 1:00p, Boys A 1:20a, Girls B 1:40p, Boys B 2:00p (we don't know which races we will be in until after Region); Lake Side Park, Orem - we will be taking one or two extra athletes who have really exemplified our motto this year of Get in the Boat! as alternates (make sure all your grades and assignments are caught up before since this is the end of the quarter)
  • RACE: Utah 4A State Championships - Tuesday, 10/29; Boys 12:00p, Girls 12:30p; Sugarhouse Park, Salt Lake (we will be taking anyone on the team who is continuing to be committed to practice and our team up as Hype Squads... it's a ton of fun to support and be part of it all, plan on coming!)
  • RACE: JV State Championships - Saturday, 11/2 (NEW DATE!); 1A-4A Girls 9:00a, 1A-4A Boys 9:30a; Spanish Fork Sports Park (Cost is $8, must pay to Coach Holt before Oct. 31st, individuals will be required to provide own transportation/lodging) 
    • *travel meets require a grade check on Monday before the meet (Divisionals, State)
Alumni Report:
Trey raced at the Color Country Invite at SUU on Friday. He is continuing to be great for Utah Valley and placed 8th for the team and 19th overall with a time of 19:11 on a tough 6K course.

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We've had a great Youngsters season. Thanks so much to our coaches for being there for the team and helping build our program. This week is our final race on Monday, Oct. 7th at Grandpa's Pond in Hurricane. If any Youngsters would like, they can continue to come out with the HS team when our season officially ends after Oct. 29th (reach out to Coach Holt for info). And we look forward to the spring when we get our track season rolling. Watch for info to be posted at in January.

PVXC Thought of the Week: "Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better."
-Pat Riley
We have some great examples of excellence on our team. As coaches, we always talk about how we can get the team and each individual to really buy in, and our discussion went to a few of our teammates who really, REALLY bought in to what we do (keep in mind, we have many teammates who we could look to if we want to grow and get better, but these three truly are standouts... we are all blessed to have them as examples of how to improve, grow, get better, and be better people). And sorry if this embarrasses them (but STS!). Emmalee - she has learned by being part of a group that was divisive and struggled to embrace everyone to be the leader of a team that cares about everyone. Individually, she has fully bought into every workout and gives her best effort in every single pre and post-run drill. Bridger - he wasn't always one of the best runners in the nation. He has consistently grown by setting his sights on what he could really achieve if he truly believed in himself and the program. He lives the life of a Renegade and works hard to stay on top of his schooling so that he can really focus on his love of running (something that he has grown tremendously with and has paid off for him). Trevor - there is no one more passionate about this team than him. To say he was a mid-pack freshman would be overstating it. So how has he grown so much? He is unflappable in his effort and dedication. He doesn't question workouts - he does them. He doesn't question the program - he trusts that as he gives his best effort it will pay off. He doesn't get down when things don't go well - he perseveres and works through the tough stuff with a positive attitude until it turns around. In a year or two, we will be able to write a whole new list of athletes (especially as many of you are already on your way) who exemplify excellence. And we know that without a doubt, it will include athletes who followed the example of these three amazing teammates. Get in the Boat!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sept. 30-Oct. 5 (Week 18)

Everyone has worked so hard this year. Let's keep our foot on the gas and not rest on what we've done so far. This week, we'll be getting everyone ready to hit a great Region race and head into the championship season.

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts. Expectation is to have a great workout on Monday morning and then have smaller workouts on Wednesday and Saturday to get ready to really roll at Region. Click here and track your minutes from Week 17: Weekly Minutes

All practices at PVHS unless noted
This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass) 
Monday - AM - 5:45a PVHS (White, Black, Silver; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone), Meet in Lecture Hall after changing into practice clothes for our team meeting
Tuesday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Wednesday - AM - 6:00a regeneration run PVHS (White and Black required; Silver optional; Maroon optional), Yoga will be moved to afternoon / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone) Yoga
Thursday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (everyone) Afternoon - White required, Black and Silver optional; no Fresh/Sophs or Maroons) 
Saturday - Meet at church on north Bluff St. at 5:00a (arrange rides and carpool to help everyone get there), run w/ team before helping with Marathon aid station

Upcoming Events:
  • Marathon Aid Station - Saturday, 10/5; 5:00a; we'll meet at the church on North Bluff and go for our run early, then head up to the aid station (bring food/drink, something warm)
  • RACE: Region 9 Championships - Tuesday, 10/8; JV girls 4:00p, JV Boys 4:35p, Var Girls 5:10p, Var Boys 5:40p; Bloomington Hills North Park (arrive right after school - 3:00p / No bus, MUST ARRANGE OWN RIDES)
  • RACE: 4A Divisionals - Tuesday, 10/15; Girls A 1:00p, Boys A 1:20a, Girls B 1:40p, Boys B 2:00p (we dont' know which races we will be in until after Region); Lake Side Park, Orem 
  • RACE: Utah 4A State Championships - Tuesday, 10/29; Boys 12:00p, Girls 12:30p; Sugarhouse Park, Salt Lake
  • RACE: JV State Championships - Saturday, 11/2 (NEW DATE!); 1A-4A Girls 9:00a, 1A-4A Boys 9:30a; Spanish Fork Sports Park (Cost is $8, must pay to Coach Holt before Oct. 31st, individuals will be required to provide own transportation/lodging) 
    • *travel meets require a grade check on Monday before meet (Divisionals, State)
Race Report:
Cedar Invite - We love racing at Cedar because it gives us probably our truest feedback on our growth throughout the season; we raced it in mid-August and now again here at the end of September. We should be able to see pretty clearly how we've grown and improved. There was some pretty extreme heat for this time of year, and the times seem to show a little of that, but we still had great growth and improvement. Our JV girls took 6th even though we were missing a couple and ran a few in the Varsity race. Laura was our top finisher in 15th place. She was followed by Mercedes in 27th. The JV guys were our top placing team taking the win. Nate ran an awesome race and recorded his first XC title. Will had a tremendous run and placed 6th, and Dustin also medaled with a strong 9th place finish. Miles (12th) and Ian (18th) rounded out our scoring. Great stuff guys... even without some of our top JV guys, people stepped up and represented the team well. The Varsity girls took a close 3rd. We were helped a lot with a championship run by Emmalee who won by over 30 seconds. Then strong finishes from Elin (11th), Vanessa (13th), and Tevye (14th) kept us close. Andi and Avery were our 5th and 6th finishers in 34th and 35th place. In the final race of the day, the Varsity boys placed 2nd. We had a strong 1-2 punch up front with Bridger recording the win and Trevor 2nd. Then our young guys really stepped up and rounded out the scoring with Elliot 13th, Benji 14th, and Brennan 18th. Overall it was another strong meet for the Panthers and sets up well for Region in just over a week. Results. Season Improvement Comparison.

Alumni Report:
Jessica had another strong race for Weber State at the Gans Creek Classic in Missouri. She took 4th for the Wildcats and hit the 6K course in 21:37 helping the team take 11th out of 38 teams.

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and will be meeting 2 times a week on Monday and Wednesday at 3:00p at PVHS. Our Youngsters schedule is finally coming together. Check it out to help plan. The next race is Oct. 7th at Grandpa's Pond in Hurricane.

PVXC Thought of the Week: "Peak performance is not about supplements, cold plunges, or complicated protocols. It's about a steadfast commitment to nailing the fundamentals of your craft and having the right people around you. Consistency and community - that's what matters most."
-Brad Stulberg
Maybe this message is best at the beginning of the season, but we were looking for a way to get you thinking about how to hit a "peak" coming into the championship season and this seems to fit. We all want to race great this last little bit, and maybe we are even looking for an edge. But the reality is there isn't an edge (a "secret" so to speak). The edge has already been earned. The secret already built. And those are a commitment to the fundamentals. So if you're looking for a secret to get you to peak and race real fast, just go back to the whole season and ask yourself if you have had a STEADFAST COMMITMENT TO NAILING THE FUNDAMENTALS and have you surrounded yourself with the RIGHT PEOPLE? And if the answer is yes! Then you've already earned your edge. If the answer is no... it's time to start. Get in the Boat!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sept. 23-28 (Week 17)

Sometimes it feels like it may never get here, but now here we are at the last couple races and weeks of our season. It really has been a great one - and that is not to say it is over yet; now is the time we really kick it in and see great things happen. For those interested in going to Nike, we need the papers turned in (like last week) so we can finish our count and get everything arranged.

St. George Marathon Aid Station - still looking for a little more help. Come join us. Follow the link to register for AID STATION 22

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). We'll be looking to have a strong race this weekend at Cedar, so we will have a big workout on Monday am and put some hill work in on Wednesday which should have us recovered and prepped to race well and hit some big improvements from August. Click here and track your minutes from Week 16: Weekly Minutes

All practices at PVHS unless noted
This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass) 
Monday - AM - 5:45a PVHS (White, Black, Silver; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone), Meet in Lecture Hall after changing into practice clothes for our team meeting
Tuesday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Wednesday - AM - 6:15a regeneration run PVHS (White and Black required; Silver optional; no Maroon, no Freshmen), Yoga at 6:45a everyone invited / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Thursday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (everyone) Afternoon - White required, Black and Silver optional; no Fresh/Sophs or Maroons) 
Saturday - RACE, Cedar Invite, see info below

Upcoming Events:
  • Homecoming Events - week of 9/23-9/27: parade Weds time TBA, Halftime torch lighting Fri; remember we will be racing Saturday 9/28 at Cedar in the am, so plan your dance dates and stuff around that
  • RACE: Cedar Invite - Saturday, 9/28; Youngsters time 8:00a, JV Girls 8:30a, JV Boys 9:10a, Var Girls 9:45a, Var Boys 10:20a; Cedar HS 
  • RACE: Region 9 Championships - Tuesday, 10/8; schedule TBA; Bloomington Hills North Park 
    • *travel meets require a grade check on Monday before meet (Border Wars, TwiKnight, Divisionals, State)
Race Report:
Hurricane Invite - Great job to everyone who raced. This was a much different race than our experience last week at Border Wars. The course measured a full 5k and was much more difficult. So the times might not be the same, but the efforts were awesome. Sydney was our top girl, followed by Laura, Sariah, Jazmyn, and Mercedes. The boys had Ben and Nate in the top 10, followed by Dustin, William, and Joseph. Results 

TwiKnight - The varsity teams went up to American Fork to race the TwiKnight Invite against some very tough competition. The girls placed 8th with Emmalee 12th scorer, Elin 30th, Vanessa 39th, Tevye 60th, Andi 108th, and Kattie 118th. The boys were 5th and had Bridger 11th scorer, Trevor 21st, Elliot 39th, Jake 49th, Benji 53rd, Bender 57th, Brennan 66th, and Liam in 93rd. Results

Alumni Report:
Trey went with UVU out to Roy Griak in Minnesota and ran a very solid race on an extremely tough course. He placed 7th for the Wolverines and continues to run very well as a Freshman.
Jessica placed 6th overall and 4th for Weber at the Big Sky Preview 5K in Pocatello.

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and will be meeting 2 times a week on Monday and Wednesday at 3:00p at PVHS. Our Youngsters schedule is finally coming together. Check it out to help plan. For the Cedar race this Saturday, we MUST preregister. We will preregister you, but we have to know who is planning to come by Wednesday.

PVXC Thought of the Week: "When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things."
-Joe Namath
These two things - confidence and fun - really go together well. When you believe in yourself, you get out of your own way and get to go enjoy things. And when you enjoy things, usually you get to do really well at them... because it is fun!  Let's have some fun this week and go get some big improvements that we've worked so hard for up at Cedar. Get in the Boat!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sept. 16-21 (Week 16)

We had a great trip up to Border Wars: team ran really well, individuals ran great, weather was nice, and you all did a great job out in the community. Thanks so much. This week we have JV (and Youngsters) heading to Hurricane on Tuesday (see info below) and the Varsity going up to TwiKnight on Friday (see info below).

St. George Marathon Aid Station - If you haven't signed up to help, please do! We need all athletes, and we are inviting families, and we are inviting alumni to come join us. Follow the link to register for AID STATION 22

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). We'll have a mix of workouts between those racing Tuesday and those racing Friday, so make sure you pay attention to when/what you'll be doing. Click here and track your minutes from Week 15: Weekly Minutes

All practices at PVHS unless noted
This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass) 
Monday - AM - 6:00a (for those racing Friday) and 6:15a (for those racing Tuesday) at PVHS (White, Black, Silver; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone), Meet in Lecture Hall after changing into practice clothes for our team meeting
Tuesday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - TEAM PICS at PVHS at 3:00p because some doofus erased them (so sorry... I'm an idiot), then RACE (for JV), Hurricane Invite, see info below
Wednesday - AM - 6:00a (for those racing Friday) and 6:15a (for those who raced Tuesday and usually do Weds morning stuff) at PVHS (White, Black, Silver; Maroon optional) run and yoga for some / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone), Yoga for some
Thursday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (JV)(Varsity yoga at 6:45a and shake-out at the State course when we get there) / PM RACE (for Varsity), TwiKnight, see info below
Saturday - on own or form own groups

Upcoming Events:
  • RACE: Hurricane - Tuesday, 9/17, Youngsters 5:00p, HS girls 5:30p, HS boys 6:00p; Washington County Fair Grounds; NO BUS arrange travel ahead of time, be there about 4:30
  • RACE: TwiKnight - Friday, 9/20, Varsity girls 6:00p, Varsity boys 6:30p; Art Dye Park (American Fork); overnight/travel info (still being finalized / will also be sent home with invited athletes); $35 hotel fee (please pay before) ATHLETES: Emmalee, Vanessa, Katie, Elin, Tevye, Andi, Bridger, Trevor, Bender, Jake, Liam, Elliot, Brennan, Benji 
  • Homecoming Events - week of 9/23-9/27: parade ?, Halftime torch lighting Fri; remember we will be racing Saturday 9/28 at Cedar in the am, so plan your dance dates and stuff around that
  • RACE: Cedar Invite - Saturday, 9/28, (race schedule TBA) Youngsters time?; Cedar HS 
    • *travel meets require a grade check on Monday before meet (Border Wars, TwiKnight, Divisionals, State)
Race Report:
Border Wars - PV had a great showing at Border Wars. Medalists included Kyle (Jr), Emmalee and Bridger (Championship), and Brennan and Elliot (So). AJ was our lone Sr representative and ran a great race setting the tone for fast times. The Jr girls then continued the push with Avery taking 23rd, followed by Sariah, Sydney, and Ada. The Jr boys took 5th led by Kyle's 9th place finish, Ben in 14th, then Ian, Jaxon, and Joseph rounding out the scoring. The girls Varsity took a very solid 8th in the Championship race with Emmalee scoring 8th (15th overall), Elin 33rd, Tevye 34th, Vanessa 48th, Andi 72nd, and Katie 77th. The boys took 6th in the Championship race led by Bridger in 6th (overall and scoring), Trevor in 21st with a very good race, Benji 54th, Jake 67th, Bender 75th, and Liam 78th. Our Sophomore boys were our top placing team finishing 3rd overall with Brennan and Elliot leading the way with 2nd and 3rd place finishes, then Nate in 19th, Miles 36th, and Will 69th. And although our other teams didn't have enough to score, they all ran well. Dustin was our top finisher in the other races placing 11th in the Freshman race and we also great races from Colby, Zack, and others. Results 

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and will be meeting 2 times a week on Monday and Wednesday at 3:00p at PVHS. Our Youngsters schedule is finally coming together. Check it out to help plan. This week, Youngsters can race at Hurricane - 5:00p, Washington County Fair Grounds in Hurricane (near Quail Creek)

Some of us had the opportunity to go watch Trey and Brooklyn run up at the BYU Autumn Classic this last weekend. It was a lot of fun to see them run well. Trey continues to move up the UVU ranks and is placing himself as a solid Varsity runner in his freshman year. And Brooklyn is showing great improvement in her second year for the Aggies.

PVXC Thought of the Week: "Confidence comes from being good, not great. Anyone can have the starts align and have a great day. But the confidence from that is fleeting. Confidence comes from consistency. Show up and make your normal pretty darn good. Focus on raising the floor, not just the ceiling."
-Steve Magness
Guess what we are going to talk about tomorrow?!  Questions for you to think about: What does it mean to raise the floor? What does confidence mean to you? Who are good examples of confidence? What can you learn from them?

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sept. 9-14 (Week 15)

Is there a change in the weather soon? Some day, we promise! Until then, just know how proud we are of the hard work and effort everyone has been putting in - even having to grind through a little heat - and that each of you have really prepped yourselves to see a big jump when the weather starts to turn a little.

St. George Marathon Aid Station - please come help! We need all athletes, and we are inviting families, and we are inviting alumni to come join us. Follow the link to register for AID STATION 22

Spirit Pack - orders are due by tonight. Nothing is required from the spirit pack, but we encourage everyone to get something if you'd like - including family (no better way to show your PVXC Spirit than having some gear to wear to the meets and around town). 

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). We'll be looking to have a strong race this weekend, so we will have a tempo session on Monday am and put some interval work in on Wednesday which should have us recovered and prepped to race well. Click here and track your minutes from Week 14: Weekly Minutes

All practices at PVHS unless noted
This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass) 
Monday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (White, Black, Silver; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone), Meet in Lecture Hall after changing into practice clothes for our team meeting
Tuesday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Wednesday - AM - 6:00a workout PVHS (everyone who would rather do the workout in the am) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone), Yoga 
Thursday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (everyone) Afternoon - shake-out at the State course
Saturday - RACE, Border Wars, see info below

Upcoming Events:
  • RACE: Border Wars - Saturday, 9/14, Sr girls 9:00a, Sr boys 9:20a, Jr girls 9:40a, Jr boys 10:00a, Varsity girls 10:20a, Champ girls 11:00a, Champ boys 11:20a, Soph girls 11:40a, Soph boys 12:00p, Fresh girls 12:40p, Fresh boys 1:00p; Valley Regional Park (Taylorsville); overnight/travel info (will also be sent home with invited athletes); $35 hotel fee (please pay before) *REMEMBER GRADE CHECK (bring a print out of your current grades to practice on Monday)
  • RACE: Hurricane - Tuesday, 9/17, Youngsters 5:00p, HS girls 6:00p, HS boys 6:30p; Washington County Fair Grounds
  • RACE: TwiKnight - Friday, 9/20, Varsity girls 6:00p, Varsity boys 6:30p; Art Dye Park (American Fork); overnight/travel info (still being finalized / will also be sent home with invited athletes); $35 hotel fee (please pay before)
  • Homecoming Events - week of 9/23-9/27: parade ?, Halftime torch lighting Fri; remember we will be racing Saturday 9/28 at Cedar in the am, so plan your dance dates and stuff around that
  • RACE: Cedar Invite - Saturday, 9/28, (race schedule TBA) Youngsters time?; Cedar HS 
    • *travel meets require a grade check on Monday before meet (Border Wars, TwiKnight, Divisionals, State)
Race Report:
Dixie All-Comers - It was a burner, but we did great. We had a small girls crew who represent PV well. Sariah took 15th, Laura 16, Sydney 27th, and Samantha 40th. The boys took 2nd to Crimson's Var with Brennan battling to the line for 2nd, Ben 4th, Kyle 5th, and Dustin 8th as top 10 finishers. Miles continues to have great races, and Jaxon's hard work is really paying off with huge improvements.   Results 

Las Vegas Invite - We headed down to Vegas for the first time in about a decade and had an outstanding trip. Each race featured Panthers up front, and we had a fun time. The Varsity boys took 3rd in their race with all 6 guys medaling: Carter 7th, Kyle 9th, Elliot 13th, Ben 14th, Brennan 17th, Nate 19th. The Fresh/Soph girls also took 3rd with Andi in 2nd, Katie 5th, and Laura medaling in 15th. The Fresh/Soph boys brought home a 2nd place trophy with Dustin in 4th, Nathan 15th, Zack 18.  (not finished) Results 

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and will be meeting 2 times a week on Monday and Wednesday at 3:00p at PVHS. Our Youngsters schedule is finally coming together. Check it out to help plan.

PVXC Thought of the Week: "Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."
-Michael Jordan
We are faced with a lot of obstacles in life and our running. Our goal is to not quit, rather it is to figure out how to work through the difficult things and then come out even stronger on the other side. First, know that you are not alone - everyone faces challenges. When we focus on running, it might be a loss of motivation, injuries, frustrations with a perceived lack of improvement. Second, is how we work through these things that really define who we are. When you find yourself facing some sort of obstacle (in running or life), plan your response and get to working on growing in a positive way. Get in the Boat!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sept. 2-7 (Week 14)

***Youngsters' Race on Tuesday has been moved to 5:30p*** more youth info below

Any new athletes, check out the registration stuff on RegisterMyAthlete.

Spirit Pack Orders - nothing from this is required, but anyone can order (athletes, family, friends...). Orders due by the end of the week.

HS athletes and parents, if you are not on our remind text group please do...
Keep in touch and up-to-date with important info by following us on Instagram @pvxctrack
Receive our texts
    Athletes use the class code @xcchamps at or text the code to 81010
    Parents use the class code @pvxcparent at or text the code to 81010

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). This week we'll have a little different schedules for our Var and JV as we focus on different races this week. Click here and track your minutes from Week 13: Weekly Minutes

All practices at PVHS unless noted
This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass) 
Monday - AM - Those who raced at Timpanogos: 7:00a at Chipotle to carpool to trail run / Those racing at Dixie All-Comers Prerace, form a group and do it / no Afternoon
Tuesday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - RACE, Dixie All-Comers, see info below (everyone who didn't race at Timp)
Wednesday - AM - 6:15a regeneration run PVHS (White and Black required; Silver optional; no Maroon, no Freshmen), Yoga at 6:45a everyone invited / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Thursday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (everyone) Afternoon - White required, Black and Silver optional; no Fresh/Sophs or Maroons) 
Saturday - RACE, Las Vegas Invite, see info below

Upcoming Events:
  • RACE: Dixie All-Comers - Tuesday, 9/3, girls 6:00p, boys 6:30p, (Youngsters 5:30p); Bloomington Hills North Park; no bus; team arrive by 5:00p; all athletes who didn't run at Timpanogos (except Bender) / those not racing practice at park at 4:30p
  • RACE: Las Vegas Invite - Saturday, 9/7, Varsity boys (our top JV and couple Var boys) 7:30a, Fresh/Soph girls (JV) 8:00a, Fresh/Soph boys (JV) 8:35a, Varsity B girls (Jr/Sr JV) 9:10a, Varsity B boys (Jr/Sr JV) 9:45a; Sunset Park; bus info TBA; NOTE - most of our Varsity will not be racing
  • RACE: Border Wars - Saturday, 9/14, Sr girls 9:00a, Sr boys 9:20a, Jr girls 9:40a, Jr boys 10:00a, Varsity girls 10:20a, Champ girls 11:00a, Champ boys 11:20a, Soph girls 11:40a, Soph boys 12:00p, Fresh girls 12:40p, Fresh boys 1:00p; Valley Regional Park (Taylorsville); overnight/travel info will be sent home with invited athletes; $35 hotel fee (please pay before)
    • *travel meets require a grade check on Monday before meet (Border Wars, TwiKnight, Divisionals, State)
Race Report:
Timpanogos Invite - This was one of our best team efforts at Timpanogos, and we learned some very important things to work on as well. In the girls race, Emmalee placed 13th (our 2nd highest finish ever at this meet), she was followed by Vanessa, Elin, Tevye, Katie, Andi, and Jordyn to take 11th overall. In the boys race, Bridger was out strong before a bit of a back problem drop him back to 24th. He was followed by Trevor, Benji, Elliot, Jake, Liam, and Carter in placing 9th. Results / PV Records 

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and will be meeting 2 times a week on Monday (not this week because of Labor Day) and Wednesday at 3:00p at PVHS. Our next Youngsters race will be on 9/3 at 5:30p before the HS races at the Dixie All-Comers at Bloomington Hills North Park.

Alumni Update: Brooklyn (Utah State), Jessica (Weber State), and Trey (Utah Valley) all had their first races of the season this last weekend. Brook took 15th at the Utah State Alumni Challenge with an 18:53 5K. At the UVU Invite, Trey placed 13th overall and 6th for the Wolverines in his first collegiate race with a time of 14:40 for 3 miles, and Jess placed 6th for Weber and 36th overall with a time of 17:59. 

PVXC Thought of the Week: "Trust your training. Want to perform? That's it. Do the work. Have confidence. Get out of your own way."
-Steve Magness
Now is not the time for overthinking and analysis. Now is the time to let all the hard work you have been doing go show itself. Often we stress about things we can't control. But one thing you have controlled is your training. So as you approach your next race, think about this... Do I want to perform well? Yes! Then trust all the work you have (and will continue to) put in. And stop stressing. Get in the Boat!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Aug. 26-31 (Week 13)

Another awesome week. We talked a bit this week about making sure you are taking care of yourself and helping prevent injuries: nutrition (eat and drink!), focus on pre and post-run work (it really helps prevent injuries), shoes (check into maybe getting another pair soon), and SLEEP (see if you can get 15 more minutes a night this week; sleep is the biggest performance enhancer and recovery aid there is).

Also, we need to do better with WHITE or BRIGHT shirts at our AM PRACTICES!

And an important note - as we are looking toward our travel meets, athletes must be at practice or they will not be going to travel meets.

Any new athletes, check out the registration stuff on RegisterMyAthlete.

If you are not on our remind text group please do...
Keep in touch and up-to-date with important info by following us on Instagram @pvxctrack
Receive our texts
    Athletes use the class code @xcchamps at or text the code to 81010
    Parents use the class code @pvxcparent at or text the code to 81010

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). This week we'll have a little different schedules for our Var and JV as we focus on different races in the next 2 weeks. We'll all hit a mid-distance on Monday morning. We'll then do a workout on Tuesday afternoon. Click here and track your minutes from Week 12: Weekly Minutes

All practices at PVHS unless noted
This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass) 
Monday - AM - 6:15a (White, Black, Silver; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone) Meet in Lecture Hall after changing into practice clothes for our team meeting
Tuesday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Wednesday - AM - 6:15a regeneration run PVHS (Whit and Black required; Silver optional; no Maroon, no Freshmen), Yoga at 6:45a everyone invited / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Thursday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (everyone) Afternoon - White required, Black and Silver optional; no Fresh/Sophs or Maroons) / RACE, Timpanogos Invite, Invite Varsity see info below (invited athletes will be notified Monday or earlier)
Saturday - practice on own or form own group

Upcoming Events:
  • RACE: Timpanogos Invite - Friday, 8/30, Var girls 11:00a, Var boys 11:30a; Lake Side Park (Orem); overnight/travel info will be sent home with invited Varsity; Varsity athletes; $35 hotel fee (please pay before)
  • RACE: Dixie All-Comers - Tuesday, 9/3, girls 6:00p, boys 6:30p, (Youngsters 5:00p); Bloomington Hills North Park; no bus; team arrive by 5:00p; all athletes who don't run at Timpanogos
  • RACE: Las Vegas Invite - Saturday, 9/7, Varsity boys (top JV boys) 7:30a, Fresh/Soph girls (JV) 8:00a, Fresh Soph (JV) boys 8:35a, Varsity B girls (Jr/Sr JV) 9:10a, Varsity B boys (Jr/Sr JV) 9:45a; Sunset Park; bus info TBA
  • RACE: Border Wars - Saturday, 9/14, Sr girls 9:00a, Sr boys 9:20a, Jr girls 9:40a, Jr boys 10:00a, Varsity girls 10:20a, Champ girls 11:00a, Champ boys 11:20a, Soph girls 11:40a, Soph boys 12:00p, Fresh girls 12:40p, Fresh boys 1:00p; Valley Regional Park (Taylorsville); overnight/travel info will be sent home with invited athletes; $35 hotel fee (please pay before)
    • *travel meets require a grade check on Monday before meet (Timpanogos, Las Vegas, Border Wars, TwiKnight, Divisionals, State)
Race Report:
SUU Invite - The team is continuing to see great results and improvements. The Varsity boys started the day off with a very strong team effort. They packed throughout much of the race and ended with a very solid spread of just 41 seconds. Bridger took the win, followed by Trevor and Bender in 3rd and 4th, then Jake and Benji in 6th and 7th, and Liam rounded out our team in 12th for a superb score of just 21. The girls also worked on packing and really helped close up our 2-4 runners with Tevye finishing 6th, then Elin 7th, and Vanessa 8th. Emmalee ran a tremendous last mile to close to 2nd. And Katie continues to run well with a 23rd place finish to lead the girls to the team title. The JV boys then swept the top 6 spots to hit a perfect score. Huge props to Carter, Elliot, Kyle, Nate, Brennan, and Ben for going 1st-6th. Big shout out to so many other guys too, but let's mention a couple: Dustin finish 12th in 18:00, Miles is continuing to run very strong, Jaxon keeps hitting big PRs, and Will had a great first race. The JV girls were paced by Jordyn who took a strong 2nd and Andi placing 12th. Results / PV Records (some big performances on a course we've run since 2008)

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and will be meeting 2 times a week on Monday and Wednesday at 3:00p at PVHS. Our next Youngsters race will be on 9/3 at 5:00p before the HS races at the Dixie All-Comers at Bloomington Hills North Park.

PVXC Thought of the Week: "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water."
-Zen Buddhist saying
One of my favorite philosophies. After nearly 3 solid months of workouts and team building, we are off to a fantastic start (maybe our best in PV history!). So it's probably a great time to think about what got us here and where we want to go... and the answer to that is to keep doing the same things. There aren't any huge secrets or shortcuts, and we definitely don't say we got this so we can chill. What do we do? Keep chopping wood, keep carrying water. Get in the Boat!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Aug. 19-24 (Week 12)

It was great to get that first week of school going and our first race of the season. Also, thanks to everyone who helped with the car wash; it went great... and most importantly, you were able to raise some money. We will be getting out info in the next couple weeks for our end-of-season trip to Nike as well as our spirit packs. 

*We have some updates on our Youngsters (6th-8th grade) program below*

Any new athletes, check out the registration stuff on RegisterMyAthlete.

If you are not on our remind text group please do...
Keep in touch and up-to-date with important info by following us on Instagram @pvxctrack
Receive our texts
    Athletes use the class code @xcchamps at or text the code to 81010
    Parents use the class code @pvxcparent at or text the code to 81010

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). This week we'll see our minutes come up a little with a long run on Monday. We'll then do a workout on Wednesday (depending on the weather, we may do this workout in the morning, but for now we'll plan on after school). Click here and track your minutes from Week 11: Weekly Minutes

All practices at PVHS unless noted
This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass) 
Monday - AM - 5:45a (everyone, maroons who want long run please attend) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone) Meet in Lecture Hall after changing into practice clothes for our team meeting
Tuesday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Wednesday - AM - 6:15a regeneration run PVHS (Whit and Black required; Silver optional; no Maroon, no Freshmen), Yoga at 6:45a everyone invited / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Thursday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (everyone) Afternoon - White required, Black and Silver optional; no Fresh/Sophs or Maroons)
Saturday - RACE, SUU Invite, see info below

Upcoming Events:
  • RACE: SUU Invite - Saturday, 8/24, Var boys 8:00a, Var girls 8:30a, JV boys 9:00a, JV girls 9:40a, awards after, Bicentennial Park (Cedar), bus info TBA
  • RACE: Timpanogos Invite - Friday, 8/30, Var girls 11:00a, Var boys 11:30a, Lake Side Park (Orem), overnight/travel info will be sent home with invited Varsity; Varsity athletes
  • RACE: Dixie All-Comers - Tuesday, 9/3, girls 6:00p, boys 6:30p, (Youngsters 5:30p), Bloomington Hills North Park, no bus; team arrive by 5:00p; all athletes who don't run at Timpanogos
Race Report:
Cedar All-Comers - This may have been our best season opener ever. Nearly every single member of our team ran PRs and we had a great overall showing. In cross, not every course is equal in difficulty and distance, so we might not hit these times again (and maybe we will!), but we'll be able to race at Cedar again near the end of the season which will give us a great comparison of in-season growth. Both teams took 2nd to DH and learned some great things about where we might grow. We placed four girls in the top 10: Emmalee 2nd, Elin 5th, Tevye 8th, and Vanessa 10th. Katie rounded out our scoring with a strong race and Andi and Sydney finished up our top 7. Bridger took the overall win for the boys, with Trevor 4th, Bender 6th, and Jake 8th. Then we had a big group pushing for our remaining varsity spots with Benji, Liam, Kyle, Elliot, and Carter finishing 17th-21st. There were many other great races by our team. Results / News article / Season Preview article

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and will be meeting 2 times a week on Monday and Wednesday at 3:00p at PVHS. Our next Youngsters race will be before the HS races at the Dixie All-Comers.

PVXC Thought of the Week: "It's easy to sit on the sidelines. To analyze the thing. Talk about the thing. Perhaps even dream about the thing. But these are all just ways of protecting yourself from actually doing the thing. It takes courage to step into the arena. When you step into the arena and give something your all, you make yourself vulnerable. Things don't always go your way. You could fail. (At some point, you will fail.) This is why caring deeply requires courage."
-Brad Stulberg

A similar theme to last week's quote. It's great to have dreams and goals. It's great to talk about doing big things. But until you actually go and give it a shot, that's all they are... dreams, goals, talk. When things really start to happen is when you ACT. and to ACT takes courage. Let's be courageous and with the support of teammates and friends and family, let's all get out there and ACT. Get in the Boat!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Aug. 12-17 (Week 11)

It's race season! Hopefully you are excited to show your hard work over the summer. There is probably some nervousness in there too, and that's okay. Nerves show that you care and want to do well. The key is to just not let those nerves shut you down. How do you do that? By going back to the hard work you've put it (think of good workouts, your growth, etc), by remembering that this is just one part of the journey, and by remembering that all those who care about you (family, team, coaches) believe in you and are there to support you not judge you.
Of course, we also start up school this week. So there are some extra stressors in our lives. This is a good time to make sure you are doing all the things to keep a healthy body and mind by working on your sleep schedule (make it a few minutes better each night/week), working on healthy eating, and developing a time schedule that works for you with school work, practice, family/friend time, and your other activities.

*We have some updates on our Youngsters (6th-8th grade) program below*

Parent Info: As we head into our first full XC race this week, a little info about our expectations and how things go - 
  • each athlete needs to ride the bus to meets with the team - this gives us plenty of time to warm up and to be there to support our teammates, as well as build the team bonds with the fun/crappiness of trips together!
  • after a race, please let the athletes do their cool downs - often we want to give lots of hugs and talk about the good and bad; instead (as we've told the athletes to do) just give a quick wave and an "I love you" or whatever and let them get into their post run stuff
  • speaking of talking after a race, what do you say as a parent? - be positive and tell your kids you are proud of their hard work and growth; let the athlete talk (or not) about how well/not as well they did (let them lead the conversation); don't try to coach the athlete (that coaching is so often well meaning, but that's what we coaches get paid the big bucks for! You just be the beaming parent!)
  • athletes are expected to stay the entire meet and watch all the races (even if theirs' gets done earlier) - again this is about the team; we are a team, we need to be there for each other and support each other. And if you parents need to leave, that's why we have a bus. In fact, often that time on the bus is the absolute best bonding because the stress of the race is gone and the kids can decompress. 
  • If you are going to take your child (again, after all the races, please), you MUST check out with the coach who has the clipboard and sign your child out. Athletes CAN ONLY GO HOME WITH THIER GUARDIAN - not with a family friend, neighbor, sibling, even grandparent (those situations must be approved by the administration in writing before the meet - it is for your child's safety)
Thanks to everyone who got their RegisterMyAthlete started/finished up. Please go check out where you are at with it and get it done. You're RMA will need to say "Ready for Tryouts" or "Complete" by Aug. 5 to be at practice. And it will need "Complete" by the first day of school (Aug. 12) for you to be able to compete at our first meet at Cedar. Check out where you stand on this spreadsheet.

If you are not on our remind text group please do...
Keep in touch and up-to-date with important info by following us on Instagram @pvxctrack
Receive our texts
    Athletes use the class code @xcchamps at or text the code to 81010
    Parents use the class code @pvxcparent at or text the code to 81010

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). Above we mentioned that this week we'll take it back a little, but the week will still have plenty of work to do. So check out the schedule for the week.
Thanks to those who have been keeping up your minutes each week. Entering your minutes each week is another sign of you commitment to the team and your own individual goals. Click here and track your minutes from Week 10: Weekly Minutes

All practices at PVHS unless noted
This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass) 
Monday - AM - 6:00a (everyone) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone) Meet in Lecture Hall after changing into practice clothes for our team meeting
Tuesday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Wednesday - AM - 6:15a regeneration run PVHS (Whit and Black required; Silver optional; no Maroon, no Freshmen), Yoga at 6:45a everyone invited / Afternoon - RACE, Cedar All-Comers, see info below
Thursday - AM - 6:15a Weights and short run PVHS (White, Black, Silver required; Maroon optional) / Afternoon - regular practice at 3:00p PVHS (everyone)
Friday - AM - 6:00a PVHS (everyone) Afternoon - White required, Black and Silver optional; no Fresh/Sophs or Maroons)
Saturday - Sandstone Elem at 6:30a (Everyone)

Upcoming Events:
  • RACE: Cedar All-Comers - Wednesday, 8/14, 6:00p, Cedar HS, bus leaving PVHS as close to 4:00p as possible. Youngsters Race before (5:30p)
  • CAR WASH FUNDRAISER - Saturday, August 17th, 9:00a-noon. We will practice before. Get tickets from Holt.
  • RACE: SUU Invite - Saturday, 8/24, Var girls 8:00a, Var boys 8:30a, JV Girls 9:00a, JV Boys 9:45a, awards after, Bicentennial Park (Cedar), bus info TBA
Race Report:
Desert Relays - Always a fun meet to test our summer fitness and get some of the jitters out. Congrats to Bridger and Emmalee who both won Leg 2 in record time and to the boys on the team win.

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and will be meeting 2 times a week on Monday and Wednesday at 3:00p at PVHS. The Cedar All-Comers will have a youth race before the HS races.

Uniforms: We will be getting our uniforms Monday. You have to pay first (at the PVHS finance office) before picking up your uni. All tops are $35, girls shorts are $25. Guys, we have only a few shorts left, so you may have to order online. You need an all black short: Here's a good 5" short. An Adidas 5" option. An nice Adidas split short. That's a few options for you... you might find something else, too, just make sure you get a black short.

PVXC Thought of the Week: "Decreasing our effort is a form of protection. It gives our ego a break. Allowing us to say, 'I had more left in the tank,' or, 'If I tried harder, I would have won.' Giving everything exposes yourself. Makes you come face to face with how good you are in that moment."
-Steve Magness

I've been around many people who allow themselves an out. Maybe it is slowing down a little, worrying about the weather, allowing outside stressors to affect them, or many other things. Man, I can point out many times I've done the same thing. Leaving that out doesn't really allow you to accomplish anything, though. Those that go all in are the only ones who will achieve great things. What if Cole Hocker had let Jacob's cutting him off at 100m to go be his out? What if Kenneth Rooks would have said, "I made the Olympic final, it doesn't really matter what effort I give now."? What if Sydney thought that she had the easy win and could back off? But here's the thing... none of them did that! That's why Hocker won gold! That's why Rooks shocked the world! That's why Sydney set her 6th world record! You gotta risk it a bit. Don't hold back your effort because you're afraid that you might not accomplish something. Put it all out there and DO GO ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING! Even if it isn't everything you hoped, it will be everything you could. Get in the Boat!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Aug. 5-10 (Week 10)

It has been a great summer and a fun summer. And this should be a fun week, too, with the opportunity for a couple relay races and our final week of summer practice. Make sure you check out the schedule for the week as practice locations/times are changing and also the Upcoming Events section as we've changed the time of the Desert Relays tomorrow and added our fundraiser car wash to the schedule.

Thanks to everyone who got their RegisterMyAthlete started/finished up. Please go check out where you are at with it and get it done. You're RMA will need to say "Ready for Tryouts" or "Complete" by Aug. 5 to be at practice. And it will need "Complete" by the first day of school (Aug. 12) for you to be able to compete at our first meet at Cedar. Check out where you stand on this spreadsheet.

If you are not on our remind text group please do...
Keep in touch and up-to-date with important info by following us on Instagram @pvxctrack
Receive our texts
    Athletes use the class code @xcchamps at or text the code to 81010
    Parents use the class code @pvxcparent at or text the code to 81010

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). We'll be moving into our SWEP - Speed/Strength With Endurance Process - phase now for those who have been with us throughout the summer (those who are new will be building their foundation a bit with few minutes/workouts). In SWEP we focus on sustaining our base while adding in more race pace work.
Thanks to those who have been keeping up your minutes each week. Entering your minutes each week is another sign of you commitment to the team and your own individual goals. Click here and track your minutes from Week 9: Weekly Minutes

This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass)
Monday - AM: practice on own - look at link above for minutes and make sure you get permission for Green Post Work to do Green Easy (this is found by going to the "web version" - click at the bottom of your phone - and then scrolling through the links on the right) (Everyone) / PM: RACE Desert Relays at BHNP arrive by 6:00p, race at 7:00p, see info below (Everyone)
Tuesday - AM: Regular practice at 7:00a at Pine View HS (Everyone) / PM: easy run and weights at 1:00p at PV (White, Black, Silver expected; Maroon optional)
Wednesday - AM: long run on own (or form own group) (Everyone) / PM: easy run on own (or form own group) (White and Black expected, Silver optional - no Maroon)
Thursday - AM: Regular practice at 7:00a at PV (Everyone) / PM: easy run and weights at 3:00p at PV (White, Black, Silver expected; Maroon optional)
Friday - AM: Regular practice at 7:00a at PV (Everyone) / PM: easy run on own (or form own group) (White expected, Black and Silver optional - no Maroon)
Saturday - RACE HOKA Relays at PV arrive by 6:15a, races start at 7:00a, see info below (Everyone)

Upcoming Events:
  • Desert Relays* - Monday, August 5th, races start at 7:00p be there by 6:00p, Bloomington Hills North Park, relay meet vs. Desert Hills (everyone) - wear any PV gear you might have (uni, t-shirt) but if you don't have any no worries!
  • Renegade Camp (for invited runners) - August 6th-7th, Beaver  
  • HOKA Mile Relays* - Saturday, August 10th, races start at 7:00a be there by 6:15a, Pine View High School, relay meet (everyone, including families/friends) - wear any PV gear you might have (uni, t-shirt) but if you don't have any no worries!
  • Cedar All-Comers - Wednesday, August 14th, 6:00p, Cedar HS, bus TBA. Youngsters Race before (5:30p)
  • CAR WASH FUNDRAISER - Saturday, August 17th, 9:00a-noon, we will practice before, tickets and info coming out soon
*We really need to have our full team to these races. Our preseason race numbers have been a bit small. Full effort should be made in planning to be with the TEAM at our TEAM events.

Race Report:
PV Time Trial - Pretty impressive stuff! It was great to see so many of you pushing yourself and letting all your hard work over the summer show. Many individual and team records were broken, and almost everyone who ran it in the past set a new PR (personal record) for the course. 2024 Results / Records

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and usually meet 2 times a week. Days and times TBA. All of our Youngsters are invited to join us at our time trial, the Desert Relays, and the HOKA Mile Relays. The Cedar All-Comers will also have a youth race before the HS races. MORE INFO COMING SOON!

PVXC Thought of the Week: "Cross Country is a great metaphor for life. From the outside, it looks like an individual sport. A bunch of people running their own race. But in reality, it's a team sport. The sooner we embrace the team aspect, the better we perform, and the more joy and connection we create."
-Steve Magness

"To Live and Run Greatly" that is our PVXC motto. We do better in life with people supporting us and we do better in our running with people supporting us. And other do better in each aspect when we support them. We had a great final book discussion about unity and being together in all things. Let's keep reaching out to each other and building this team and strengthening each other. Get in the Boat!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

July 29-Aug 3 (Week 9)

Wow! Summer is almost over. Those of you who have been putting in the hard work with consistency are really going to see it pay off. But, it is not too late to step up your commitment and consistency if you've been struggling a little. And, it is definitely not too late to join our team - we really need a few more athletes (especially girls); please reach out to friends and neighbors and talk to them about why you do this and how you think it could be an awesome part of their life.

We've got to get our RegisterMyAthlete started/finished up. So please go check out where you are at with it and get it done. You're RMA will need to say "Ready for Tryouts" by Aug. 5 to be at practice. And it will need "Complete" by the first day of school (Aug. 12) for you to be able to compete at our first meet at Cedar. Check out where you stand on this spreadsheet.

If you are not on our remind text group please do...
Keep in touch and up-to-date with important info by following us on Instagram @pvxctrack
Receive our texts
    Athletes use the class code @xcchamps at or text the code to 81010
    Parents use the class code @pvxcparent at or text the code to 81010

Purpose of the Week's Workouts: Click here for a link to this week's workouts (you have to request access on your school account to see the workouts). This is our final week in the foundation phase. Although we will keep solid minutes (and building for those who are new to the team in the next few weeks), our main focus will be holding our minutes pretty solid and bringing in more aerobic style reps.
Thanks to those who have been keeping up your minutes each week. Entering your minutes each week is another sign of you commitment to the team and your own individual goals. Click here and track your minutes from Week 8: Weekly Minutes

This Week's Schedule: bring water and a towel (for stretches and drills on grass)
Monday: Regular practice at 7:00a at Washington Elementary (Everyone) / PM: easy run on own (or form own group) or DT (White and Black expected, Silver optional)
Tuesday: Regular practice at 7:00a at Washington Elementary (Everyone). Weights* after practice at PVHS / PM: easy run on own (or form own group) (White, Black, Silver expected; Maroon optional)
WednesdayPVXC Time Trial: Regular practice at 7:00a at Bloomington Hills North Park (Everyone), race starts at 7:45a info below / PM: easy run on own (or form own group) (White and Black expected, Silver and Maroon optional - no Fresh)
Thursday: Regular practice at 7:00a at Elementary (Everyone). Weights* after practice at PVHS / PM: easy run on own (or form own group) (White, Black, Silver expected; Maroon optional)
Friday: Regular practice at 7:00a at TBA (Everyone)
Saturday: Regular practice at 7:00a at TBA (Everyone)
*we will decide as a team if we want to do weights right after AM practice or if we want to meet together to do it at PM practice together.

Book Club Reading: This will be our final book club discussion of the summer. Come Monday ready to share a few thoughts about the Week 8. Please read the assigned sections so we can have good comments: Week 7-8 reading (At the very least, read the quotes from below and think about the questions that go with it.)

Upcoming Events:
  • Waffle Wednesdays - Wednesday morning after practice, location TBA 
  • PV Time Trial* - Wednesday, July 31st, Bloomington Hills North Park, practice starts at 7:00a, RACE starts at 7:45a (everyone)
  • Spike Night at St. George Running Center, Friday, August 2nd, 7:00p (everyone)
  • Desert Relays* - Monday, August 5th, 6:00p, Bloomington Hills North Park, relay meet vs. Desert Hills (everyone)
  • Renegade Camp (for invited runners) - August 6th-7th, Beaver  
  • HOKA Mile Relays* - Saturday, August 10th, 8:00a(?), Pine View High School, relay meet (everyone, including families/friends)
  • Cedar All-Comers - Wednesday, August 14th, 6:00p(?), Cedar HS, bus TBA. Youngsters Race before (5:30p?)
*We really need to have our full team to these races. Our preseason race numbers have been a bit small. Full effort should be made in planning to be with the TEAM at our TEAM events.

Race Report:
24th of July 2 Miler - This was a great opportunity for our team to test our fitness after a long summer training block, to shake out some of the cobwebs of running fast, and to calm the racing nerves a little in a less stressful environment. The team really did well. Our girls' numbers were down a little, and we need to get everyone on the team to come out and not miss days. But we saw some strong improvements from last year's times by those who were back this year. The boys saw our best 24th race since we started in 2019 with new team records for top 5, top 7, and top 10 as well as our smallest spread between 1-5 and 1-7. Those are great TEAM efforts! 2024 Results / Records

Youngsters (our 6th-8th grade club):
We want to invite all interested 6th-8th graders to join the most successful and fun running club in Southern Utah. We run our club as a youth camp for XC and usually meet 2 times a week. Days and times TBA. All of our Youngsters are invited to join us at our time trial, the Desert Relays, and the HOKA Mile Relays. The Cedar All-Comers will also have a youth race before the HS races. MORE INFO COMING SOON!

PVXC Thought of the Week: "Don Hume had lost a worrisome 14 pounds from his normal weight." "By early afternoon the rain had still not let up in Grunau." "Booby Moch never heard him. Never saw the flag (that signaled the start of the race)... and the Husky Clipper, for a horrific moment, sat motionless at the line..." "As they moved out into the widest part of the Langer See, the winds grew even stronger. White, frothy waves began splashing over..." "They were suddenly right up alongside the enormous wooden bleachers... not more than ten feet from thousands of spectators screaming in unison, 'Deustch-land! Deutsch-land! Deutsch-land!"
-Daniel James Brown, Boys in the Boat

"Where is the spiritual value of rowing?... The losing of self entirely to the cooperative effort of the crew as a whole."
-George Pocock, Boys in the Boat

So the first collection of quotes are excerpts from the gold medal race (or leading up to it). For these, think about what they might have in common. Why did we pull these little sections out and want you to think about them?
The second quote is another awesome quote from Pocock. What we'd like you to think about here is (once again connecting the book/quote to running) have you found this thought to be true in your running? How does this "spiritual value of (running)" tie in with your experiences and the experiences we can have/have had here at PVXC?